TGX 1.0.0
A tiny 2D/3D graphics library optimized for 32 bits microcontrollers.
No Matches

About the library

TGX is a tiny but full featured C++ library for drawing 2D and 3D graphics onto a memory framebuffer. The library runs on both microprocessor and microcontollers but specifically targets 'powerful' 32 bits MCUs such as ESP32, RP2040, Teensy 3/4...


  • Hardware agnostic: the library simply draws on a memory framebuffer.
  • Optimized RAM usage and no dynamic allocation.
  • No external dependency (and no STL): just include the .h and .cpp files to your project and your are set!
  • Library in Arduino friendly format.
  • Mutiple color formats supported: RGB565, RGB24, RGB32, RGB64, RGBf, HSV
  • Image class that encapsulates a buffer and allows the creation of sub-images for clipping any drawing operations.
  • Extensive 2D API:
    • Methods for converting, blittings, copying and resizing sprites with high quality (bilinear filtering, sub-pixel precision).
    • Methods for drawing lines, polylines, polygons, triangles, rectangles, rounded rectangles, quads, circles, arcs, ellipses, Bezier curve and splines !
    • Methods for drawing Text with support for multiple font formats.
    • All drawings operations support alpha-blending.
    • Most drawing methods come in two flavours: a 'fast' method and a 'high quality' which is slower but draws using anti-aliasing and sub-pixel precision.
  • Extensive 3D API.
    • Optimized 'pixel perfect' triangle rasterizer with adjustable sub-pixel precision.
    • Depth buffer testing (selectable 16 bits or 32 bits precision).
    • Multiple drawing modes: wireframe (selectable low/high quality) and solid (i.e. with shaders).
    • Flat and Gouraud Shading.
    • Phong lightning's model with separate ambient/diffuse/specular color components.
    • Per object material properties.
    • Perspective-correct texture mapping with selectable point sampling/bilinear filtering and multiple wrapping modes.
    • Perspective and orthographic projections.
    • Optional backface culling.
    • Tile rasterization: it is possible to render the viewport in multiple passes to save RAM.
    • Templates classes for all the needed maths: Vec2, Vec3, Vec4 (vectors), Mat4 (4x4 matrix) and Box2, Box3 (boxes).
    • Optimized mesh data format: meshes and textures can be read directly from flash memory to save RAM.
    • Python scripts for easy conversion of texture images and 3D meshes (in Wavefront's .obj format) into C files.

Getting started

  1. Installation
  2. Using the 2D API.
  3. Using the 3D API.
Do not forget to look at the examples located in \examples subfolder of the library !


Basic classes (2D graphics)

Main image object tgx::Image
Color types tgx::RGB565,tgx::RGB32,tgx::RGB24,tgx::RGBf,tgx::RGB64,tgx::HSV
2D vectors tgx::Vec2
2D box tgx::Box2

Additional classes specific to drawing 3D graphics

Main class for drawing a 3D scene tgx::Renderer3D
3D model class tgx::Mesh3D
3D Box tgx::Box3
3D and 4D vectors tgx::Vec3, tgx::Vec4
4x4 matrix for 3D (quaternions) tgx::Mat4