TGX 1.0.3
A tiny 2D/3D graphics library optimized for 32 bits microcontrollers.
No Matches
Using the 2D API.

Below is a description, with examples, of most 2D drawing primitives implemented in TGX.

  • For additional details, look directly into the main header file Image.h
  • Do not forget to check the examples located in the /examples/ subdirectory of the library. In particular, the example TestPrimitives contains all the code listed below.

2D Drawing methods.

Filling the screen.


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a 320x240 image.
im.fillScreen(tgx::RGB32_Black); // same as im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black);
auto im1 = im(0, 106, 0, 240); // create subimage = left third of the image
im1.fillScreenVGradient(tgx::RGB32_Blue, tgx::RGB32_Red); // fill with vertical gradient from blue to red
auto im2 = im(214, 320, 0, 240); // create subimage = right third of the image
im2.fillScreenHGradient(tgx::RGB32_Green, tgx::RGB32_Orange); // fill with horizontal gradient from green to orange
Image class [MAIN CLASS FOR THE 2D API].
Definition: Image.h:143
Color in R8/G8/B8/A8 format.
Definition: Color.h:1176


Reading/writing pixels


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
for (int i = 0; i < 310; i += 15) {
for (int j = 0; j < 230; j += 15){
im.drawPixel({ i, j }, tgx::RGB32_White); // integer valued position vector
im.drawPixelf({ i + 4.4f, j + 5.6f }, tgx::RGB32_Red); // floating-point valued position vector
im(i+10, j+10) = tgx::RGB32_Green; // direct acces to memory loaction of the pixel.
const RGB32 RGB32_Red
Color red in RGB32 format.
const RGB32 RGB32_Green
Color green in RGB32 format.


  • drawPixel() : set the color of agiven pixel.
  • drawPixelf() : set the color of agiven pixel, use floating point values position vector.
  • readpixel() : read the color of a pixel.
  • operator() : direct access to the pixel color memory location (read/write).

Flood-filling a region


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawLine({ 0,50 }, { 320,160 }, tgx::RGB32_White);
im.drawLine({ 0,240 }, { 320,10 }, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fill({ 319,239 }, tgx::RGB32_Red, tgx::RGB32_Blue); // fill starting {319,239}, region delimited by the red line
im.fill({ 0,0 }, tgx::RGB32_Olive); // fill starting {0,0}
const RGB32 RGB32_Blue
Color blue in RGB32 format.
const RGB32 RGB32_White
Color white in RGB32 format.
const RGB32 RGB32_Olive
Color olive in RGB32 format.


Blitting sprites


Code used to generate the image:

// create a sprite:
// #include <font_tgx_OpenSans_Bold.h> is needed to use the font_tgx_Arial_Bold_20.
tgx::RGB32 buf[120 * 40]; // memory for the sprite image
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> sprite(buf, 120, 40); // the sprite image...
sprite.clear(tgx::RGB32_Green); // ... has green background
sprite.fillCircle({ 20, 20 }, 13, tgx::RGB32_Black, tgx::RGB32_Black); // ... a black circle
sprite.drawTextEx("Sprite", { 76, 20 }, font_tgx_Arial_Bold_20, tgx::Anchor::CENTER, false, false, tgx::RGB32_Black); // ... and a black text "sprite".
im.fillScreenHGradient(tgx::RGB32_Blue, tgx::RGB32_Red); // fill the screen with horizontal gradient from green to orange
im.blit(sprite, { 10, 10 }); // simple blitting
im.blitRotated(sprite, { 10, 80 }, 270, 0.25f); // blit the sprite rotated by 270 degrees clockwise, 0.25% opacity
im.blitMasked(sprite, tgx::RGB32_Black, { 120,60 }); // blit the sprite with black as a the transparent color.
im.blitScaledRotated(sprite, { 60, 20 }, { 100, 160 }, 0.6f, 60.0f, 0.5f); // blit the sprite scaled at 0.6, rotated by 60 degrees, half opacity
im.blitScaledRotatedMasked(sprite, tgx::RGB32_Green, { 60, 20 }, { 230, 160 }, 1.5f, -25.0f); // blit the sprite scaled at 1.5, rotated by -25 degrees, with green set as the transparent color.
const RGB32 RGB32_Black
Color black in RGB32 format.
const ILI9341_t3_font_t font_tgx_Arial_Bold_20
Arial font (bold) 20pt.


All the blit methods above also have an 'advanced' version which takes as input a user-defined blending operator instead of the opacity parameter and can operate on sprites with a different color types than the destination image. see tgx::Image for details...

See also blitBackward() and methods for image copy/resizing/type conversion copyFrom(), copyReduceHalf(), reduceHalf() and convert()

drawing horizontal and vertical lines


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
im.drawFastVLine({ i * 16, i * 3 }, 100, tgx::RGB32_Red, i / 20.0f); // draw a vertical line
im.drawFastHLine({ i * 3, i * 12 }, 200, tgx::RGB32_Green, i / 20.0f); // draw an horizontal line

Methods: use these methods when drawing parallel lines as they are faster that the 'general' line drawing methods.

drawing lines


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawLine({ 10,10 }, { 300, 60 }, tgx::RGB32_Red); // simple red line
im.drawLineAA({ 200,200 }, { 300, 10 }, tgx::RGB32_Green); // green line with anti-aliasing
im.drawThickLineAA({ 10, 120 }, { 250, 10 }, 10, tgx::END_STRAIGHT, tgx::END_ROUNDED, tgx::RGB32_White); // thick line, rounded at the start, straight at the end.
im.drawWedgeLineAA({ 300, 220 }, { 150, 100 }, 10, tgx::END_ARROW_1, 20, tgx::END_ARROW_SKEWED_5,tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // wedge line ending with arrows, half opacity.
const RGB32 RGB32_Orange
Color orange in RGB32 format.
rounded end.
Definition: Image.h:53
straight end.
Definition: Image.h:52
tiny arrow head [extends = line thickness]
Definition: Image.h:54
huge skewed arrow head [extends = 5 x line thickness]
Definition: Image.h:63


  • drawLine() : draw a basic straight line (single pixel thick, no anti-aliasing). Fastest method.
  • drawLineAA() : draw a line segment with anti-aliasing (single pixel thick).
  • drawThickLineAA() : draw a thick line with anti-aliasing and specify how the ends look like (rounded, flat, arrows...)
  • drawWedgeLineAA() : draw a line segment with anti-aliasing with vraying thickness, specify how the ends look like (rounded, flat, arrows...)

drawing rectangles


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawRect({ 10,70,10,70 }, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple green square, full opacity
im.drawThickRect({ 30,180,30,140 }, 7, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // 7 pixels thick orange rectangle, half opacity
im.fillRect({5, 80, 20, 200}, tgx::RGB32_Yellow, 0.25f); // yellow filled rectangle, 25% opacity
im.fillThickRect({ 50, 150, 150, 220 }, 5, tgx::RGB32_Gray, tgx::RGB32_Red, 0.5f); // gray filled, 5 pixels thick red rectangle, 50% opacity
im.fillRectHGradient({ 140, 310, 100, 160 }, tgx::RGB32_Red, tgx::RGB32_Blue); // rectangle filled with horizontal gradient from red to blue. full opacity.
im.fillRectVGradient({ 190, 300, 10, 230 }, tgx::RGB32_Cyan, tgx::RGB32_Purple, 0.5f); // rectangle filled with vertical gradient from cyan to purple. half opacity.
const RGB32 RGB32_Cyan
Color cyan in RGB32 format.
const RGB32 RGB32_Yellow
Color yellow in RGB32 format.
const RGB32 RGB32_Gray
Color gray in RGB32 format.
const RGB32 RGB32_Purple
Color purple in RGB32 format.


See also drawThickRectAA(), drawThickRectAA(), drawThickRectAA(). These methods may be useful for smooth animations but usually not for static display (as rectangles egdes are parallel to pixel boundaries hence do not usually require anti-aliasing).

drawing rounded rectangles


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawRoundRectAA({ 10,70,10,70}, 4, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple 4-pixels rounded square
im.drawThickRoundRectAA({ 30,180,30,140 }, 20, 7, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // 7 pixels thick, 20 pixels rounded corner rectangle, half opacity
im.fillRoundRectAA({ 140, 310, 170, 230 }, 25, tgx::RGB32_Blue); // filled 25-pixel rounded corner rectangle
im.fillThickRoundRectAA({ 100, 250, 60, 200 }, 10, 5, tgx::RGB32_Gray, tgx::RGB32_Red, 0.5f); // 5 pixels thick, 10 pixel rounded corner rectangle, 50% opacity


  • drawRoundRectAA() : draw a single pixel thick rectangle with rounded corners, with antiliasing.
  • drawThickRoundRectAA() : draw a rounded corners rectangle with thick outline, with antiliasing.
  • fillRoundRectAA() : draw a filled rectangle with rounded corners, with anti-aliasing.
  • fillThickRoundRectAA() : draw a filled rectangle with rounded corners and thick outline of a different color, with anti-aliasing.

drawing triangles


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawTriangle({ 10,10 }, { 60, 30 }, {40, 80}, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple triangle
im.fillTriangle({150, 5}, {80, 180}, {300, 20} , tgx::RGB32_Purple, tgx::RGB32_Magenta); // filled triangle with border
im.drawTriangleAA({ 20,120 }, { 150, 100 }, { 70, 239}, tgx::RGB32_Green); // green triangle with AA
im.drawThickTriangleAA({ 160, 60 }, {240,30}, {300, 80}, 10, tgx::RGB32_Cyan, 0.5f); // 10 pixels thick triangle, 50% opacity, with AA
im.fillTriangleAA({ 200, 220 }, { 315,210 }, { 150, 120 }, tgx::RGB32_Yellow); // filled triangle with AA.
im.fillThickTriangleAA({ 130,200 }, { 280, 110 }, {250, 170}, 5, tgx::RGB32_Lime, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // filled 5 pixels thick triangle, 50% opacity, with AA
const RGB32 RGB32_Magenta
Color majenta in RGB32 format.
const RGB32 RGB32_Lime
Color lime in RGB32 format.


drawing triangles (advanced)


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
tgx::RGB32 buf[50 * 50]; // memory for texture image
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> tex(buf, 50, 50); // the texture image...
tex.clear(tgx::RGB32_Blue); // ... has blue background ..
tex.fillThickCircleAA({ 25,25 }, 24, 5, tgx::RGB32_Red, tgx::RGB32_Green); // ...and red-filled circle with green outline in the center.
im.drawTexturedTriangle(tex, { 0,0 }, { 50, 0 }, { 50, 50 }, { 10, 10 }, { 100, 20 }, { 30, 100 }); // textured triangle, full opacity
im.drawGradientTriangle({ 20, 140 }, { 160, 50 }, {230, 200}, tgx::RGB32_Blue, tgx::RGB32_Orange, tgx::RGB32_Black); // gradient triangle, full opacity.
im.drawTexturedGradientTriangle(tex, { 0,0 }, { 50, 0 }, { 50, 50 } , { 120, 230 }, { 300, 20 }, { 280, 170 }, tgx::RGB32_Red, tgx::RGB32_Green, tgx::RGB32_Blue, 0.5f); // texture triangle with color gradient. half opacity.

Methods: these methods make use of the 3D rasterizer:

See also drawTexturedMaskedTriangle(), drawTexturedGradientMaskedTriangle() for additonal masking features.

drawing quads


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawQuad({ 10,10 }, { 60, 30 }, { 40, 80 }, {5, 40}, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple quad
im.fillQuad({ 150, 5 }, { 80, 180 }, {170, 40}, { 300, 20 }, tgx::RGB32_Purple); // filled quad
im.drawQuadAA({ 20,120 }, { 150, 100 }, { 150, 140 }, { 70, 239 }, tgx::RGB32_Green); // green quad with AA
im.drawThickQuadAA({ 160, 60 }, { 240,30 }, { 300, 80 }, {230, 120}, 10, tgx::RGB32_Cyan, 0.5f); // 10 pixels thick quad, 50% opacity, with AA
im.fillQuadAA({ 200, 220 }, { 315,210 }, {250, 150}, { 150, 120 }, tgx::RGB32_Yellow); // filled quad with AA
im.fillThickQuadAA({ 130,200 }, { 160, 140 }, { 230, 100 }, { 250, 170 } , 5, tgx::RGB32_Lime, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); //filled, 5 pixels thick quad, 50% opacity, with AA


  • drawQuad() : draw a simple quad. Fastest method.
  • fillQuad() : draw a simple filled quad. Fastest method
  • drawQuadAA() : draw a quad with single pixel thick outline, with anti-aliasing.
  • drawThickQuadAA() : draw a quad with thick outline, with anti-aliasing.
  • fillQuadAA() : draw a filled quad with anti-aliasing.
  • fillThickQuadAA() : draw a filled quad with a thick outline of a different color, with anti-aliasing.

drawing quads (advanced)


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawTexturedQuad(tex, { 0,0 }, { 50, 0 }, { 50, 50 }, { 0, 50 }, { 10, 10 }, { 100, 20 }, { 80, 40 }, {30, 120}); // textured quad,
im.drawGradientQuad({ 20, 140 }, { 160, 50 }, {180, 55}, { 230, 200 }, tgx::RGB32_Blue, tgx::RGB32_Orange, tgx::RGB32_Green, tgx::RGB32_Black); // gradient quad
im.drawTexturedGradientQuad(tex, { 0,0 }, { 50, 0 }, { 50, 50 }, { 0, 50 }, { 120, 230 }, { 280, 20 }, { 310, 170 }, {250,210}, tgx::RGB32_Red, tgx::RGB32_Green, tgx::RGB32_Blue, tgx::RGB32_Navy,0.5f); // texture quad with color gradient. half opacity.
const RGB32 RGB32_Navy
Color navy in RGB32 format.

Methods: these methods make use of the 3D rasterizer:

See also drawTexturedMaskedQuad(), drawTexturedGradientMaskedQuad() for additonal masking features.

drawing polylines


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
const tgx::iVec2 tabPoints1[] = { {10, 10}, {50, 10}, {80, 50}, {20, 110}, {20, 180}, {300, 150} };
im.drawPolyline(6, tabPoints1, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple polyline
const tgx::fVec2 tabPoints2[] = { {200, 100}, {100, 20}, {130, 120}, {10, 200}, {60, 180}, {300, 230} };
im.drawPolylineAA(6, tabPoints2, tgx::RGB32_Red); // polyline with AA
const tgx::fVec2 tabPoints3[] = { {30, 30}, {200, 15}, {300, 200}, {140, 230}, {80, 150}, {20, 230} };
im.drawThickPolylineAA(6, tabPoints3, 12, tgx::END_ARROW_1, tgx::END_ROUNDED, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // thick polyline, arrow at start, rounded at end, half opacity, with AA
Generic 2D vector [specializations iVec2, fVec2, dVec2].
Definition: Vec2.h:64


drawing polygons


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
tgx::iVec2 tabPoints1[] = { {10, 10}, {50, 10}, {80, 40}, {50, 90}, {10, 70} };
im.drawPolygon(5, tabPoints1, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple polygon
tgx::iVec2 tabPoints2[] = { {90, 20}, {50, 40}, {60, 80}, {150, 90}, {190, 45} };
im.fillPolygon(5, tabPoints2, tgx::RGB32_Yellow, 0.5f); // filled polygon, half opacity.
tgx::fVec2 tabPoints3[] = { {140, 60}, {250, 10}, {310, 100}, {300, 150}, {240, 170}, {220, 120} };
im.drawPolygonAA(6, tabPoints3, tgx::RGB32_Red); // polygon with AA
tgx::fVec2 tabPoints4[] = { {10, 120}, {50, 80}, {100, 150}, {40, 200}, {50, 170} };
im.drawThickPolygonAA(5, tabPoints4, 6, tgx::RGB32_Cyan, 0.5f); // thick polygon, 50% opacity, with AA
tgx::fVec2 tabPoints5[] = { {50, 120}, {130, 70}, {170, 100}, {210, 180}, {150, 190} };
im.fillPolygonAA(5, tabPoints5, tgx::RGB32_Lime, 0.5f); // filled polygon, 50% opacity, with AA
tgx::fVec2 tabPoints6[] = { {120, 150}, {210, 50}, {250, 70}, {300, 100}, {290, 170}, {230, 210} };
im.fillThickPolygonAA(6, tabPoints6, 10, tgx::RGB32_Purple, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // filled thick polygon, 50% opacity, with AA


drawing circles


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawCircle({50, 50}, 48, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple circle
im.fillCircle({ 120, 80 }, 70, tgx::RGB32_Blue, tgx::RGB32_Red, 0.5f); // filled circle, 50% opacity
im.drawCircleAA({210, 90}, 60, tgx::RGB32_Green); // green circle with AA
im.drawThickCircleAA({60, 180}, 40, 10, tgx::RGB32_Purple); //thick maroon circle, with AA
im.fillCircleAA({230, 150}, 70, tgx::RGB32_Yellow, 0.5f); // filled circle with AA, 50% opacity
im.fillThickCircleAA({160,160}, 55, 8, tgx::RGB32_Teal, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // filled circle with thick outline, with AA, 50% opacity
const RGB32 RGB32_Teal
Color teal in RGB32 format.


drawing ellipses


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawEllipse({ 50, 50 }, { 48, 20 }, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple ellipse
im.fillEllipse({ 120, 80 }, { 70, 50 }, tgx::RGB32_Blue, tgx::RGB32_Red, 0.5f); // filled ellipse, 50% opacity
im.drawEllipseAA({ 210, 90 }, { 60, 30 }, tgx::RGB32_Green); // ellipse with AA
im.drawThickEllipseAA({ 60, 180 }, { 35, 55 }, 10, tgx::RGB32_Purple); // thick ellipse, with AA
im.fillEllipseAA({ 230, 150 }, { 45, 70 }, tgx::RGB32_Yellow, 0.5f); // filled ellipse with AA, 50% opacity
im.fillThickEllipseAA({ 160,160 }, { 55, 65 }, 8, tgx::RGB32_Teal, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // filled ellipse with thick outline, with AA, 50% opacity


drawing circle arcs and pies


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.fillCircleSectorAA({ 60,60 }, 40, 50, 270, tgx::RGB32_Red); // filled circle sector between 50 and 270 degrees
im.drawCircleArcAA({250, 60}, 50, 250, 90, tgx::RGB32_Green); // green circle arc from 250 to 90 degrees
im.drawThickCircleArcAA({80, 160}, 75, 220, 160, 20, tgx::RGB32_Purple, 0.5f); // thick circle arc from 220 to 160 degrees, 50% opacity
im.fillThickCircleSectorAA({230, 120}, 100, 140, 340, 10, tgx::RGB32_Olive, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // filled thick circle sector from 140 to 340 degrees, 50% opacity


drawing Bezier curves


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
im.drawQuadBezier({ 10, 10 }, { 250, 180 }, {280, 20}, 1.0f, true, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple quadratic bezier curve
im.drawCubicBezier({ 10, 40 }, { 280, 50 }, { 20, 80 }, { 300, 200 }, true, tgx::RGB32_Green); // simple cubic bezier curve
im.drawThickQuadBezierAA({ 30, 150 }, { 300, 20 }, {0,0}, 2.0f, 10, tgx::END_STRAIGHT, tgx::END_ROUNDED, tgx::RGB32_Red, 0.5f); // thick quadratic bezier curve, with AA, 50% opacity.
im.drawThickCubicBezierAA({ 80, 80 }, { 305, 150 }, { 0, 240 }, {290, 240}, 10, tgx::END_ARROW_5, tgx::END_ARROW_SKEWED_2, tgx::RGB32_Orange, 0.5f); // thick cubic bezier curve, with AA, 50% opacity.
huge arrow head [extends = 5 x line thickness]
Definition: Image.h:58
small skewed arrow head [extends = 2 x line thickness]
Definition: Image.h:60


drawing splines


Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
const tgx::iVec2 tabPoints1[] = { {30, 10}, {10, 40}, {40, 70}, {10, 100}, {60, 130}, {10, 160}, {80, 190}, {10, 220} };
im.drawQuadSpline(8, tabPoints1, true, tgx::RGB32_White); // simple quadratic spline
const tgx::iVec2 tabPoints2[] = { {10, 10}, {50, 40}, {10, 70}, {70, 100}, {10, 130}, {90, 160}, {10, 190}, {120, 220} };
im.drawCubicSpline(8, tabPoints2, true, tgx::RGB32_Red); // simple cubic spline
const tgx::fVec2 tabPoints3[] = { {70, 10}, {40, 40}, {80, 70}, {30, 100}, {120, 130}, {60, 160}, {150, 190}, {80, 220} };
im.drawThickQuadSplineAA(8, tabPoints3, 5, tgx::END_ROUNDED, tgx::END_ROUNDED, tgx::RGB32_Yellow, 0.5f); // thick quadratic spline, 50% opacity, with AA
const tgx::fVec2 tabPoints4[] = { {60, 20}, {120, 40}, {50, 70}, {130, 100}, {60, 130}, {110, 160}, {70, 190}, {60, 220} };
im.drawThickCubicSplineAA(8, tabPoints4, 6, tgx::END_ARROW_3, tgx::END_ARROW_SKEWED_3, tgx::RGB32_Green, 0.5f); // thick cubic spline, 50% opacity, with AA
const tgx::fVec2 tabPoints5[] = { {140, 20}, {160, 10}, {200, 50}, {250, 20}, {300, 100}, {250, 160}, {200, 100}, {160, 150} };
im.drawThickClosedSplineAA(8, tabPoints5, 12, tgx::RGB32_Blue); // thick closed spline, with AA
const tgx::iVec2 tabPoints6[] = { {240, 10}, {310, 50}, {200, 130} };
im.drawClosedSpline(3, tabPoints6, tgx::RGB32_Magenta, 0.5f); // simple closed spline, 50% opacity
const tgx::fVec2 tabPoints7[] = { {300, 220}, {240, 220}, {240, 180}, {300, 190} };
im.fillClosedSplineAA(4, tabPoints7, tgx::RGB32_Cyan); // interior filled closed spline, with AA
const tgx::fVec2 tabPoints8[] = { {150, 210}, {160, 150}, {250, 120}, {280, 150}, {260, 190} };
im.fillThickClosedSplineAA(5, tabPoints8, 5, tgx::RGB32_Gray ,tgx::RGB32_Red, 0.5f); // interior filled thick closed spline, 50% opacity, with AA


drawing text


additional includes for the text fonts

#include "font_tgx_Arial.h"
Arial font for multiple for size ranging from 8pt to 96pt.
OpenSans font for multiple for size ranging from 8pt to 36pt.

Code used to generate the image:

tgx::RGB32 buffer[320*240]; //
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB32> im(buffer, 320, 240); // create a black 320x240 image.
im.clear(tgx::RGB32_Black); //
// drawing text: the anchor point use the baseline.
im.drawText("non-AA font are ugly...", { 5, 10 },font_tgx_Arial_8, tgx::RGB32_Blue); // a non AA font
im.drawText("AA font, 9pt", { 5, 25 }, font_tgx_OpenSans_9, tgx::RGB32_Green); // AA font, 9pt
im.drawText("AA font, 10pt", { 5, 40 }, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::RGB32_Green); // AA font, 10pt
im.drawText("AA font, 14pt", { 5, 60 }, font_tgx_OpenSans_14, tgx::RGB32_Green); // AA font, 14pt
im.drawText("AA font, 18pt", { 5, 83 }, font_tgx_OpenSans_20, tgx::RGB32_Green); // AA font, 18pt
// drawing on the baseline
im.drawFastHLine({ 130, 30 }, 160, tgx::RGB32_White, 0.5f);
im.drawFastHLine({ 130, 45 }, 160, tgx::RGB32_White, 0.5f);
im.drawText("The quick brown fox jumps", { 130, 30 }, font_tgx_OpenSans_12, tgx::RGB32_Orange);
im.drawText("over the lazy dog !", { 130, 45 }, font_tgx_OpenSans_12, tgx::RGB32_Orange);
// finding the bounding box of a text.
const char * tbb = "Text bounding box";
tgx::iBox2 bb = im.measureText(tbb, { 230, 70 }, font_tgx_OpenSans_14, tgx::Anchor::CENTER, false, false);
im.fillRect(bb, tgx::RGB32_Yellow, 0.5f);
im.drawTextEx(tbb, { 230, 70 }, font_tgx_OpenSans_14, tgx::Anchor::CENTER, false, false, tgx::RGB32_Blue);
// draw text with different anchor points using drawTextEx()
// -> the anchor is relative to the text bounding box
im.drawRect({ 20, 300,100, 230 }, tgx::RGB32_Gray);
im.drawFastHLine({ 20, 165 }, 280, tgx::RGB32_Gray);
im.drawFastVLine({ 160, 100 }, 130, tgx::RGB32_Gray);
tgx::iVec2 anchor_point;
anchor_point = {20, 100 };
im.drawTextEx("TOPLEFT", anchor_point, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::Anchor::TOPLEFT, true, true, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fillCircleAA(anchor_point,1.5, tgx::RGB32_Green);
anchor_point = { 300, 100 };
im.drawTextEx("TOPRIGHT", anchor_point, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::Anchor::TOPRIGHT, true, true, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fillCircleAA(anchor_point, 1.5, tgx::RGB32_Green);
anchor_point = { 20, 230 };
im.drawTextEx("BOTTOMLEFT", anchor_point, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::Anchor::BOTTOMLEFT, true, true, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fillCircleAA(anchor_point, 1.5, tgx::RGB32_Green);
anchor_point = { 300, 230 };
im.drawTextEx("BOTTOMRIGHT", anchor_point, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::Anchor::BOTTOMRIGHT, true, true, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fillCircleAA(anchor_point, 1.5, tgx::RGB32_Green);
anchor_point = { 160, 100 };
im.drawTextEx("CENTERTOP", anchor_point, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::Anchor::CENTERTOP, true, true, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fillCircleAA(anchor_point, 1.5, tgx::RGB32_Green);
anchor_point = { 160, 230 };
im.drawTextEx("CENTERBOTTOM", anchor_point, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::Anchor::CENTERBOTTOM, true, true, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fillCircleAA(anchor_point, 1.5, tgx::RGB32_Green);
anchor_point = { 20, 165 };
im.drawTextEx("CENTERLEFT", anchor_point, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::Anchor::CENTERLEFT, true, true, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fillCircleAA(anchor_point, 1.5, tgx::RGB32_Green);
anchor_point = { 300, 165 };
im.drawTextEx("CENTERRIGHT", anchor_point, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::Anchor::CENTERRIGHT, true, true, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fillCircleAA(anchor_point, 1.5, tgx::RGB32_Green);
anchor_point = { 160, 165 };
im.drawTextEx("CENTER", anchor_point, font_tgx_OpenSans_10, tgx::Anchor::CENTER, true, true, tgx::RGB32_Red);
im.fillCircleAA(anchor_point, 1.5, tgx::RGB32_Green);
const ILI9341_t3_font_t font_tgx_Arial_8
Arial font 8pt.
const ILI9341_t3_font_t font_tgx_OpenSans_14
OpenSans font 14pt.
const ILI9341_t3_font_t font_tgx_OpenSans_9
OpenSans font 9pt.
const ILI9341_t3_font_t font_tgx_OpenSans_10
OpenSans font 10pt.
const ILI9341_t3_font_t font_tgx_OpenSans_20
OpenSans font 20pt.
const ILI9341_t3_font_t font_tgx_OpenSans_12
OpenSans font 12pt.
Generic 2D Box [specializations iBox2 , fBox2, dBox2].
Definition: Box2.h:151

The TGX library support font using:

tgx-font ( contains a collection ILI9341_t3 v1 and v2 (antialiased) fonts that can be used directly with the methods below (and instructions on how to convert a ttf font to this format).

The following fonts are already packaged with TGX but must be included explicitely in the project when used:

  • Arial (non AA font): #include "font_tgx_Arial.h"
  • Arial Bold (non AA font): #include "font_tgx_Arial_Bold.h"
  • OpenSans (AA font): #include "font_tgx_OpenSans.h"
  • OpenSans Bold (AA font): #include "font_tgx_OpenSans_Bold.h"
  • OpenSans Italic (AA font): #include "font_tgx_OpenSans_Italic.h"

Each font above is available in fontsize: 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 13pt, 14pt, 16pt, 18pt, 20pt, 24pt, 28pt, 32pt, 40pt, 48pt, 60pt, 72pt, 96pt.


  • drawText() : draw a text using a given font. simple "legacy" method
  • drawTextEx() : draw a text using a given font. Extended method with anchor placement (c.f. tgx::Anchor).
  • measureText() : compute the bounding box of a text (fast, does not draw it)
  • measureChar() : compute the bounding box of a character (fast, does not draw it)

TGX extensions via external librairies

TGX implements bindings that makes it easy to use external libraries to add new capabilities to the Image class, such as displaying classic image format (PNG, GIF, JPEG) and TrueType fonts...

Drawing text with TrueType fonts

Install Takkao's OpenRenderFont library from

Simply include both libraries into the project to activate the bindings between TGX and OpenFontRender:

#include <tgx.h>
#include <OpenFontRender.h>
Main header file.

Now, we can bind any OpenFontRender object to an image with the method: Image::setOpenFontRender(ofr) and subsequently use the OpenFontRender library as usual. All texts written with ofr will automatically be drawn onto the selected image.


// create a 100x50 image in RGB565 color format.
tgx::RGB565 buf[100*50];
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB565> im(buf, 100, 50);
im.clear(tgx::RGB565_Black); // clear to full black
// create a font rendering object
OpenFontRender ofr;
// we link it wih image im
// set up the font rendering object properties before drawing
ofr.loadFont(NotoSans_Bold, sizeof(NotoSans_Bold)) // assume here that NotoSans_Bold is a Truetype font in memory.
ofr.setFontColor((uint16_t)tgx::RGB565_Yellow, (uint16_t)tgx::RGB565_Black); // set foreground and background colors for drawing text
ofr.setCursor(10, 20); // Set the cursor position
ofr.setFontSize(15); // set font size.
// and let's draw text !
ofr.cprintf("Hello World"); // -> drawing in done ont im.
Color in R5/G6/B5 format.
Definition: Color.h:216
A complete example is available in the subfolder /examples/Teensy4/OpenFontRender_test/.

Check the OpenfontRender documentation for additional details.

Drawing PNG images

Install Bitbank2's PNGdec library from the Arduino library manager / platformio or directly from

Simply include both libraries into the project to activate the bindings between TGX and PNGdec:

#include <tgx.h>
#include <PNGdec.h>

Now, we can bind any PNG decoder object tgx images by providing it with the generic callback TGX_PNGDraw and then we can susequently decode PNGs using the Image::PNGDecode() method.


// create a 150x100 image in RGB565 color format.
tgx::RGB565 buf[150*100];
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB565> im(buf, 150, 100);
im.clear(tgx::RGB565_Black); // clear to full black
// PNG decoder object from PNGdec library
PNG png;
// Load the png image "octocat_4bpp" stored in RAM and link the decoder to TGX
// -> note that 'TGX_PNGDraw' is passed as callback parameter.
png.openRAM((uint8_t*)octocat_4bpp, sizeof(octocat_4bpp), TGX_PNGDraw);
// Draw the PNG onto im, with half opacity and upper left corner at pos (20, 10) inside im.
im.PNGDecode(png, {20, 10}, 0.5f);
A complete example is available in the subfolder /examples/Teensy4/PNG_test/.

Check the PNGdec documentation for additional details.

Drawing JPEG images

Install Bitbank2's JPEGDEC library from the Arduino library manager / platformio or directly from

Simply include both libraries into the project to activate the bindings between TGX and JPEGDEC:

#include <tgx.h>
#include <JPEGDEC.h>

Now, we can bind any JPEGDEC decoder object tgx images by providing it with the generic callback TGX_JPEGDraw and then we can susequently decode JPEGs using the Image::JPEGDecode() method.


// create a 150x100 image in RGB565 color format.
tgx::RGB565 buf[150*100];
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB565> im(buf, 150, 100);
im.clear(tgx::RGB565_Black); // clear to full black
// JPEG decoder object from JPEGDEC library
// Load the jpeg image "batman" stored in RAM and link the decoder to TGX
// -> note that 'TGX_JPEGDraw' is passed as callback parameter.
jpeg.openRAM((uint8_t*)batman, sizeof(batman), TGX_JPEGDraw);
// Draw the JPEG onto im at half scale, half opacity and upper left corner at pos (20, 10) inside im.
im.JPEGDecode(png, {20, 10}, JPEG_SCALE_HALF, 0.5f);
A complete example is available in the subfolder /examples/Teensy4/JPEG_test/.

Check the JPEGDEC documentation for additional details.

Drawing GIF images

Install Bitbank2's AnimatedGIF library from the Arduino library manager / platformio of directly from

Simply include both libraries into the project to activate the bindings between TGX and AnimatedGIF:

#include <tgx.h>
#include <AnimatedGIF.h>

Now, we can bind any AnimatedGIF decoder object to tgx images by providing it with the generic callback TGX_GIFDraw and then we can susequently decode GIFs using the Image::GIFplayFrame() method.

This method simply wraps around the playFrame() method fom the AnimateGIF library and can be called repeatedly to display successives frame in case of an animation.


// create a 150x100 image in RGB565 color format.
tgx::RGB565 buf[150*100];
tgx::Image<tgx::RGB565> im(buf, 150, 100);
im.clear(tgx::RGB565_Black); // clear to full black
// GIF decoder object from AnimatedGIF library
AnimatedGIF gif;
// Load the GIF image "earth_128x128" stored in RAM and link the decoder to TGX
// -> note that 'TGX_GIFDraw' is passed as callback parameter.*)earth_128x128, sizeof(earth_128x128), TGX_GIFDraw);
// Draw the GIF onto im with upper left corner at pos (20, 10) inside im.
im.GIFplayFrame(gif, { 20, 10 });
// we can call im.GIFplayFrame(gif, { 20, 10 }) again to draw the next frame if it is an animation...
A complete example is available in the subfolder /examples/Teensy4/GIF_test/.

Check the AnimatedGIf documentation for additional details.