TGX 1.0.3
A tiny 2D/3D graphics library optimized for 32 bits microcontrollers.
No Matches
tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t > Class Template Reference

Class for drawing 3D objects onto a Image [MAIN CLASS FOR THE 3D API]. More...

#include <Renderer3D.h>

Public Member Functions

TGX_NOINLINE Renderer3D (const iVec2 &viewportSize={0, 0}, Image< color_t > *im=nullptr, ZBUFFER_t *zbuffer=nullptr)
 Constructor. More...
Global settings.

Methods use to query and set the global parameters of the renderer: viewport size, zbuffer, projection type...

void setViewportSize (int lx, int ly)
 Set the size of the viewport. More...
void setViewportSize (const iVec2 &viewport_dim)
 Set the size of the viewport. More...
void setImage (Image< color_t > *im)
 Set the image that will be drawn onto. More...
void setOffset (int ox, int oy)
 Set the offset of the image relative to the viewport. More...
void setOffset (const iVec2 &offset)
 Set the offset of the image relative to the viewport. More...
void setProjectionMatrix (const fMat4 &M)
 Set the projection matrix. More...
fMat4 getProjectionMatrix () const
 Return the current projection matrix. More...
void useOrthographicProjection ()
 Set projection mode to orthographic (ie no z-divide). More...
void usePerspectiveProjection ()
 Set projection mode to perspective (ie with z-divide). More...
void setOrtho (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
 Set the projection matrix as an orthographic matrix. More...
void setFrustum (float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
 Set the projection matrix as a perspective matrix. More...
void setPerspective (float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
 Set the projection matrix as a perspective matrix. More...
void setCulling (int w)
 Set the face culling strategy. More...
void setZbuffer (ZBUFFER_t *zbuffer)
 Set the z-buffer. More...
void clearZbuffer ()
 Clear the Zbuffer. More...
void setShaders (Shader shaders)
 Set the shaders to use for subsequent drawing operations. More...
void setTextureWrappingMode (Shader wrap_mode)
 Set the wrap mode when for texturing. More...
void setTextureQuality (Shader quality)
 Set the texturing quality. More...
Scene related methods.

Methods related to properties specific to the scene: camera position, lightning...

void setViewMatrix (const fMat4 &M)
 Set the view transformation matrix. More...
fMat4 getViewMatrix () const
 Return the current view matrix. More...
void setLookAt (float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)
 Set the view matrix so that the camera is looking at a given direction. More...
void setLookAt (const fVec3 eye, const fVec3 center, const fVec3 up)
 Set the view matrix so that the camera is looking at a given direction. More...
fVec4 worldToNDC (fVec3 P)
 Convert from world coordinates to normalized device coordinates (NDC). More...
iVec2 worldToImage (fVec3 P)
 Convert from world coordinates to the corresponding image pixel. More...
void setLightDirection (const fVec3 &direction)
 Set the light source direction. More...
void setLightAmbiant (const RGBf &color)
 Set the scene ambiant light color. More...
void setLightDiffuse (const RGBf &color)
 Set the scene diffuse light color. More...
void setLightSpecular (const RGBf &color)
 Set the scene specular light color. More...
void setLight (const fVec3 direction, const RGBf &ambiantColor, const RGBf &diffuseColor, const RGBf &specularColor)
 Set all the lighting parameters of the scene at once. More...
Model related methods.

Methods related to properties specific to the model being drawn: position, material properties...

void setModelMatrix (const fMat4 &M)
 Set the model tranformation matrix. More...
fMat4 getModelMatrix () const
 Return the model tranformation matrix. More...
void setModelPosScaleRot (const fVec3 &center=fVec3{ 0, 0, 0 }, const fVec3 &scale=fVec3(1, 1, 1), float rot_angle=0, const fVec3 &rot_dir=fVec3{ 0, 1, 0 })
 Set the model tranformation matrix to move an object to a given a given location, scale and rotation. More...
fVec4 modelToNDC (fVec3 P)
 Convert from model coordinates to normalized device coordinates (NDC). More...
iVec2 modelToImage (fVec3 P)
 Convert from model coordinates to the corresponding image pixel. More...
void setMaterialColor (RGBf color)
 Set the object material color. More...
void setMaterialAmbiantStrength (float strenght=0.1f)
 Set how much the object material reflects the ambient light. More...
void setMaterialDiffuseStrength (float strenght=0.6f)
 Set how much the object material reflects the diffuse light. More...
void setMaterialSpecularStrength (float strenght=0.5f)
 Set how much the object material reflects the specular light. More...
void setMaterialSpecularExponent (int exponent=16)
 Set the object specular exponent. More...
void setMaterial (RGBf color, float ambiantStrength, float diffuseStrength, float specularStrength, int specularExponent)
 Set all the object material properties at once. More...
Drawing solid geometric primitives.

Methods for drawing meshes, triangles and quads.

  1. Normal vector are mandatory when using Gouraud shadding and must be normalized (unit lenght).
  2. Texture dimension must be power of two when using flag SHADER_TEXTURE_WRAP_POW2.
  3. Triangle and quads must be given in the correct winding order. The 4 vertices of a quads must be co-planar.
  4. The fastest method to display 'static' geometry is to use the drawMesh() method. Other methods are slower and should be reserved for 'dynamic' geometry.
  5. Do not forget to clear the z-buffer with clearZbuffer() at the beggining of each new frame.
void drawMesh (const Mesh3D< color_t > *mesh, bool use_mesh_material=true, bool draw_chained_meshes=true)
 Draw a Mesh3D object. More...
void drawTriangle (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 *N1=nullptr, const fVec3 *N2=nullptr, const fVec3 *N3=nullptr, const fVec2 *T1=nullptr, const fVec2 *T2=nullptr, const fVec2 *T3=nullptr, const Image< color_t > *texture=nullptr)
 Draw a single triangle. More...
void drawTriangleWithVertexColor (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const RGBf &col1, const RGBf &col2, const RGBf &col3, const fVec3 *N1=nullptr, const fVec3 *N2=nullptr, const fVec3 *N3=nullptr)
 Draw a single triangle with a given colors on each of its vertices. More...
void drawTriangles (int nb_triangles, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, const uint16_t *ind_normals=nullptr, const fVec3 *normals=nullptr, const uint16_t *ind_texture=nullptr, const fVec2 *textures=nullptr, const Image< color_t > *texture_image=nullptr)
 Draw a collection of triangles. More...
void drawQuad (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 &P4, const fVec3 *N1=nullptr, const fVec3 *N2=nullptr, const fVec3 *N3=nullptr, const fVec3 *N4=nullptr, const fVec2 *T1=nullptr, const fVec2 *T2=nullptr, const fVec2 *T3=nullptr, const fVec2 *T4=nullptr, const Image< color_t > *texture=nullptr)
 Draw a single quad. More...
void drawQuadWithVertexColor (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 &P4, const RGBf &col1, const RGBf &col2, const RGBf &col3, const RGBf &col4, const fVec3 *N1=nullptr, const fVec3 *N2=nullptr, const fVec3 *N3=nullptr, const fVec3 *N4=nullptr)
 Draw a single quad with a given colors on each of its four vertices. More...
void drawQuads (int nb_quads, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, const uint16_t *ind_normals=nullptr, const fVec3 *normals=nullptr, const uint16_t *ind_texture=nullptr, const fVec2 *textures=nullptr, const Image< color_t > *texture_image=nullptr)
 Draw a collection of quads. More...
Drawing solid basic shapes.

Methods for drawing cube and spheres.

void drawCube ()
 Draw the unit cube [-1,1]^3 in model space. More...
void drawCube (const fVec2 v_front_ABCD[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_front, const fVec2 v_back_EFGH[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_back, const fVec2 v_top_HADE[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_top, const fVec2 v_bottom_BGFC[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_bottom, const fVec2 v_left_HGBA[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_left, const fVec2 v_right_DCFE[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_right)
 Draw a textured unit cube [-1,1]^3 in model space. More...
void drawCube (const Image< color_t > *texture_front, const Image< color_t > *texture_back, const Image< color_t > *texture_top, const Image< color_t > *texture_bottom, const Image< color_t > *texture_left, const Image< color_t > *texture_right)
 draw a textured unit cube [-1,1]^3 (in model space) More...
void drawSphere (int nb_sectors, int nb_stacks)
 Draw a unit radius sphere centered at the origin S(0,1) in model space. More...
void drawSphere (int nb_sectors, int nb_stacks, const Image< color_t > *texture)
 Draw a textured unit radius sphere centered at the origin S(0,1) in model space. More...
void drawAdaptativeSphere (float quality=1.0f)
 Draw a unit radius sphere centered at the origin S(0,1) in model space. More...
void drawAdaptativeSphere (const Image< color_t > *texture, float quality=1.0f)
 Draw a textured unit radius sphere centered at the origin S(0,1) in model space. More...
Drawing wireframe geometric primitives.

Methods for drawing wireframe meshes, triangles and quads.

Two versions for each method :

  1. Fast but low quality drawing.
  2. Slow but high quality drawing (adjustable thickness, alpha-blending, anti-aliasing).
Wireframe methods do not take the scene lightning into account.
void drawWireFrameMesh (const Mesh3D< color_t > *mesh, bool draw_chained_meshes=true)
 Draw a mesh in wireframe [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameMesh (const Mesh3D< color_t > *mesh, bool draw_chained_meshes, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a mesh in wireframe [high quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameLine (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2)
 Draw a wireframe line segment [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameLine (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a wireframe line segment [high quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameLines (int nb_lines, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices)
 Draw a collection of wireframe line segments [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameLines (int nb_lines, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a collection of wireframe line segments [high quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameTriangle (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3)
 Draw a wireframe triangle [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameTriangle (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a wireframe triangle [high quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameTriangles (int nb_triangles, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices)
 Draw a collection of wireframe triangles [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameTriangles (int nb_triangles, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a collection of wireframe triangles [high quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameQuad (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 &P4)
 Draw a wireframe quad [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameQuad (const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 &P4, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a wireframe quad [high quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameQuads (int nb_quads, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices)
 Draw a collection of wireframe quads [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameQuads (int nb_quads, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a collection of wireframe quads [high quality]. More...
Drawing basic shapes in wireframe.

Methods for drawing wireframe cubes and spheres.

Two versions for each method :

  1. Fast but low quality drawing.
  2. Slow but high quality drawin (adjustable thickness, alpha-blending, anti-aliasing).
Wireframe methods do not take the scene lightning into account.
void drawWireFrameCube ()
 Draw the wireframe cube [0,1]^3 (in model space) [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameCube (float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw the wireframe cube [0,1]^3 (in model space) [high quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameSphere (int nb_sectors, int nb_stacks)
 Draw a wireframe unit radius sphere centered at the origin (in model space) [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameSphere (int nb_sectors, int nb_stacks, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a wireframe unit radius sphere centered at the origin (in model space) [high quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameAdaptativeSphere (float quality=1.0f)
 Draw a wireframe unit radius sphere centered at the origin (in model space) [low quality]. More...
void drawWireFrameAdaptativeSphere (float quality, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a wireframe unit radius sphere centered at the origin (in model space) [high quality]. More...
Drawing 3D point clouds

Methods for drawing pixels and dots.

the methods do not take the scene lightning into account.
void drawPixel (const fVec3 &pos)
 Draw a single pixel at a given position in model space. More...
void drawPixel (const fVec3 &pos, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a single pixel at a given position in model space. More...
void drawPixels (int nb_pixels, const fVec3 *pos_list)
 Draw a list of pixels at given positions in model space. More...
void drawPixels (int nb_pixels, const fVec3 *pos_list, const int *colors_ind, const color_t *colors, const int *opacities_ind, const float *opacities)
 Draw a list of pixels at given positions in model space with different colors and opacities. More...
void drawDot (const fVec3 &pos, int r)
 Draw a dot/circle at a given position in model space. More...
void drawDot (const fVec3 &pos, int r, color_t color, float opacity)
 Draw a dot/circle at a given position in model space. More...
void drawDots (int nb_dots, const fVec3 *pos_list, const int radius)
 Draw a list of dots/circles at given positions in model space. More...
void drawDots (int nb_dots, const fVec3 *pos_list, const int *radius_ind, const int *radius, const int *colors_ind, const color_t *colors, const int *opacities_ind, const float *opacities)
 Draw a list of dots/circles at given positions in model space. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename color_t, Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
class tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >

Class for drawing 3D objects onto a Image [MAIN CLASS FOR THE 3D API].

A Renderer3D objects creates a "virtual viewport" and provides a set of methods to manage a scene and draw 3D primitives onto this viewport which is then mapped to a tgx::Image.

Template Parameters
LOADED_SHADERSlist of all shaders that may be used. By default, all shaders are enabled but if is possible to select only a subset of shaders to improve rendering speed and decrease memory usage significantly. Must a | combination of the following flags:
  • SHADER_PERSPECTIVE: enable perspective projection
  • SHADER_ORTHO: enable orthographic projection
  • SHADER_NOZBUFFER: enable rendering without using a z-buffer
  • SHADER_ZBUFFER: enable rendering with a z-buffer
  • SHADER_FLAT: enable flat shading
  • SHADER_GOURAUD: enable gouraud shading
  • SHADER_NOTEXTURE: enable rendering without texturing
  • SHADER_TEXTURE_NEAREST: enable rendering with texturing using point sampling
  • SHADER_TEXTURE_BILINEAR: enable rendering with texturing using bilinear sampling
  • SHADER_TEXTURE_WRAP_POW2: texture can use 'wrap around' mode with dimensions of texture being power of two.
  • SHADER_TEXTURE_CLAMP: texture can use 'clamping to edge' mode.
ZBUFFER_t: Type used for storing z-buffer values. Must be either float or uint16_t. The z-buffer must be as large as the image (but can be smaller than the viewport when using an offset).
  • float: higher quality but requires 4 bytes per pixel.
  • uint16_t : lower quality (z-fighting may occur) but only 2 bytes per pixel.
  1. If a drawing call is made that requires a shader that was not enabled in the template parameter LOADED_SHADERS or if the Renderer3D object state is not valid (e.g. incorrect image size, enabled but missing z-buffer...) then the operation will fails silently. In particular, if drawing without a Z-buffer is performed, the flag SHADER_NOZBUFFER must be set in LOADED_SHADERS. Similarly, if drawing without texturing is performed, the flag SHADER_NOTEXTURE must be set in LOADED_SHADERS.
  2. Z-buffer testing is enabled as soon as a valid z-buffer is provided (with Renderer3D::setZbuffer()). Do not forget to erase the z-buffer with Renderer3D::clearZbuffer() at the start of a new frame.
  3. Normal vectors are mandatory when using Gouraud shading and must always be normalized (unit lenght) !
  4. Texture dimensions must be powers of two when flag SHADER_TEXTURE_WRAP_POW2 is set.
  5. Back-face culling is set with Renderer3D::setCulling(). Triangles and quads must then be provided in the choosen winding order.
  6. It is more efficient to use methods that draws several primitives at once rather than issuing multiple commands for drawing triangle/quads. For static geometry, Renderer3D::drawMesh() should be use whenever possible insteaed of Renderer3D::drawQuads(), Renderer3D::drawTriangles()...
  7. Wireframe drawing with 'high quality' is (currently) very slow. Use 'low quality' drawing if speed is required.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Renderer3D()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
TGX_NOINLINE tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::Renderer3D ( const iVec2 viewportSize = {0, 0},
Image< color_t > *  im = nullptr,
ZBUFFER_t *  zbuffer = nullptr 


Some parameters may be set right way (but they may be also set independantly later).

viewportSize(Optional) Size of the viewport. See setViewportSize().
im(Optional) the destination image. See setImage().
zbuffer(Optional) the Z-buffer. See setZbuffer().

Member Function Documentation

◆ setViewportSize() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setViewportSize ( int  lx,
int  ly 

Set the size of the viewport.

The normalized coordinates in [-1,1]x[-1,1] are mapped to [0,lx-1]x[0,ly-1] just before rasterization.

It is possible to use a viewport larger than the image drawn onto by using an offset for the image inside the viewport in order to perform 'tile rendering'. see setOffset().

the maximum viewport size depends on TGX_RASTERIZE_SUBPIXEL_BITS which specifies the sub-pixel precision value used by the 3D rasterizer:

subpixel bits max viewport size LX*LY
8 2048 x 2048
6 4096 x 4096
4 8192 x 8192
2 16384 x 16384
lx,lyThe viewport size.

◆ setViewportSize() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setViewportSize ( const iVec2 viewport_dim)

Set the size of the viewport.

Same as setViewportSize(int lx, int ly).

viewport_dimThe viewport size.

◆ setImage()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setImage ( Image< color_t > *  im)

Set the image that will be drawn onto.

  • The image can be smaller than the viewport. In this case, use setOffset() to select the portion of the viewport that will be drawn.
  • Passing nullptr remove the current image (and disables all drawing operation
    until a new image is inserted).
imthe image to draw onto for subsequent renderings.

◆ setOffset() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setOffset ( int  ox,
int  oy 

Set the offset of the image relative to the viewport.

If the image has size (sx,sy), then during rasterization the portion [ox, ox + sx[x[oy, oy+sy[ of the viewport will be drawn onto the image.

By changing the offset and redrawing several times it it possible to use an image smaller than the viewport (and also save on zbuffer space).

For example, to draw a 320x240 viewport with limited amount of memory. One can use an image of size 160x120 (37.5kb) and a z-buffer of the same size (35Kb for uint16_t) and then call the drawing method 4 times with offsets (0,0), (0,120), (160,0) and (160,120) and upload the resulting images at their correct positions on the screen between each rendering.

0warning Do not forget to clear the z-buffer after changing the offset !

ox,oyOffset of the image inside the viewport.

◆ setOffset() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setOffset ( const iVec2 offset)

Set the offset of the image relative to the viewport.

Same as setOffset(int ox, int oy).

offsetOffset of the image inside the viewport.

◆ setProjectionMatrix()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setProjectionMatrix ( const fMat4 M)

Set the projection matrix.

This is the matrix that is used to project coordinate from 'view space' to normalized device coordinates (NDC).

Call this method to set a "custom" projection matrix. For the usual perspective and orthographic matrices, use instead setFrustum(), setPerspective(), setOrtho().

Mthe projection matrix to use (an internal copy is made).
  • When using perspective projection, the projection matrix must store -z into the w component.
  • In view space, the camera is assumed to be centered at the origin, looking looking toward the negative Z axis with the Y axis pointing up (as in opengl).
See also

◆ getProjectionMatrix()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
fMat4 tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::getProjectionMatrix ( ) const

Return the current projection matrix.

A copy ot hte current projection matrix.

◆ useOrthographicProjection()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::useOrthographicProjection ( )

Set projection mode to orthographic (ie no z-divide).

This method is called automatically after setOrtho() so it needs only be called, when applicable, after setProjectionMatrix().

◆ usePerspectiveProjection()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::usePerspectiveProjection ( )

Set projection mode to perspective (ie with z-divide).

This method is called automatically after setPerspective() or setFrustum() so it needs only be called, when applicable, after setProjectionMatrix().

◆ setOrtho()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setOrtho ( float  left,
float  right,
float  bottom,
float  top,
float  zNear,
float  zFar 

Set the projection matrix as an orthographic matrix.

This method automatically switches to orthographic projection mode by calling useOrthographicProjection().

In view space, the camera is assumed to be centered at the origin, looking looking toward the negative Z axis with the Y axis pointing up (as in opengl).
left,rightcoordinates for the left and right vertical clipping planes
bottom,topcoordinates for the bottom and top horizontal clipping planes.
zNear,zFardistances to the nearer and farther depth clipping planes.
See also
setFrustum(), setPerspective(), , Mat4::setOrtho()

◆ setFrustum()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setFrustum ( float  left,
float  right,
float  bottom,
float  top,
float  zNear,
float  zFar 

Set the projection matrix as a perspective matrix.

This method automatically switches to perspective projection mode by calling usePerspectiveProjection().

In view space, the camera is assumed to be centered at the origin, looking looking toward the negative Z axis with the Y axis pointing up (as in opengl).
left,rightcoordinates for the left and right vertical clipping planes
bottom,topcoordinates for the bottom and top horizontal clipping planes.
zNear,zFardistances to the nearer and farther depth clipping planes.
See also
setOrtho(), setPerspective(), Mat4::setFrustum()

◆ setPerspective()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setPerspective ( float  fovy,
float  aspect,
float  zNear,
float  zFar 

Set the projection matrix as a perspective matrix.

This method automatically switches to perspective projection mode by calling usePerspectiveProjection().

In view space, the camera is assumed to be centered at the origin, looking looking toward the negative Z axis with the Y axis pointing up (as in opengl).
fovyfield of view angle, in degrees, in the y direction.
aspectaspect ratio that determines the field of view in the x direction. The aspect ratio is the ratio of x (width) to y (height).
zNeardistance from the viewer to the near clipping plane.
zFardistance from the viewer to the far clipping plane.
See also
setFrustum(), setOrtho(), Mat4::setPerspective()

◆ setCulling()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setCulling ( int  w)

Set the face culling strategy.

wCulling direction
  • w>0: Vertices in front faces are ordered counter-clockwise [default]. Clockwise faces are culled.
  • w<0: Vertices in front faces are ordered clockwise. Counter-clockwise faces are culled.
  • w=0: Disables face culling: both clockwise and counter-clockwise faces are drawn.
  1. When face culling is enabled (w != 0), and when Gouraud shading is active, the normal vectors supplied for the vertices must be the normal vectors for the front side of the triangle.
  2. When face culling is disabled (w = 0). Both faces of a triangle are drawn so there is no more notion of 'front' and 'back' face. In this case, when using Gouraud shading, by convention, the normal vector supplied must be those corresponding to the counter-clockwise face being shown (whatever this means since these normals vector are attached to vertices and not faces anyway, but still...)

◆ setZbuffer()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setZbuffer ( ZBUFFER_t *  zbuffer)

Set the z-buffer.

The zbuffer must be large enough to be used with the image that is being drawn onto. This means that we must have length at least image.width()*image.height().
zbufferpointer to the z-buffer to use from now one (replace the previous one if any) or nullptr.
  1. Setting a valid zbuffer automatically turns on z-buffer depth test.
  2. Removing the z-buffer (by setting it to nullptr) turns off the z-buffer depth test.

◆ clearZbuffer()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::clearZbuffer ( )

Clear the Zbuffer.

This method must be called before drawing a new frame to erase the previous zbuffer.

The z-buffer is intentionally not cleared between draw() calls to enable rendering of multiple objects on the same scene.

◆ setShaders()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setShaders ( Shader  shaders)

Set the shaders to use for subsequent drawing operations.

shadersflags to use (or'ed together with |).

See enum tgx::Shader for a complete list of flags.

Main flags

  • SHADER_FLAT: Use flat shading (i.e. uniform color on faces). This is the fastest drawing method but it usually gives poor results when combined with texturing. Lighting transitions between bright to dark aera may appear to flicker when using color with low resolution such as RGB565.
  • SHADER_GOURAUD: Use gouraud shading (linear interpolation of vertex colors) This results in smoother color transitions and works well with texturing but is more CPU intensive.
  • SHADER_TEXTURE: enable texture mapping. A texture must be stored in an Image<color_t> object.
    • wrap mode can be set with setTextureWrappingMode() or passing along either SHADER_TEXTURE_WRAP_POW2 or SHADER_TEXTURE_CLAMP.
    • drawing quality can be set with setTextureQuality() or by passing along either SHADER_TEXTURE_NEAREST or SHADER_TEXTURE_BILINEAR.

  1. If a shader flag is set with SetShaders() but is disabled in the template parameter LOADED_SHADER, then the drawing calls will silently fail (draw nothing).
  2. The color on the face (for flat shading) or on the vertices (for gouraud shading) is computed according to Phong's lightning
  3. Texture mapping is 'perspective correct' and can be done with either SHADER_FLAT or SHADER_GOURAUD
    selected. The color of a pixel is obtained by combining to texture color at that pixel with the lightning at the position according to phong's lightning model.
  4. For large textures stored in flash memory may be VERY slow to access when the texture is not read linearly which will happens for some (bad) triangle orientations and then cache becomes useless... This problem can be somewhat mitigated by:
    • splitting large textured triangles into smaller ones: then each triangle only accesses a small part of the texture. This helps a lot wich cache optimization (this is why models with thousands of faces may display faster that a simple textured cube in some cases).
    • moving the image into RAM if possible. Even moving the texture from FLASH to EXTMEM (if available) will usually give a great speed boost !

◆ setTextureWrappingMode()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setTextureWrappingMode ( Shader  wrap_mode)

Set the wrap mode when for texturing.

wrap_modeWrapping mode flag:
  • SHADER_TEXTURE_WRAP_POW2: Wrap around (repeat) the texture. This is the fastest mode but the texture size must be a power of two along each dimension.
  • SHADER_TEXTURE_CLAMP: Clamp to the edge. A bit slower than above but the texture can be any size.

◆ setTextureQuality()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setTextureQuality ( Shader  quality)

Set the texturing quality.

qualityTexture quality flag:
  • SHADER_TEXTURE_NEAREST: Use simple point sampling when texturing (fastest method).
  • SHADER_TEXTURE_BILINEAR: Use bilinear interpolation when texturing (slower but higher quality).

◆ setViewMatrix()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setViewMatrix ( const fMat4 M)

Set the view transformation matrix.

This matrix is used to transform vertices from 'world coordinates' to 'view coordinates' (ie from the point of view of the camera).

Changing this matrix changes the position of the camera in the world space.

In view space (i.e. after transformation), the camera is assumed to be centered at the origin, looking toward the negative Z axis with the Y axis pointing up (as in opengl).
Mthe view matrix to use (a copy is made).
See also
getViewMatrix(), setLookAt()

◆ getViewMatrix()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
fMat4 tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::getViewMatrix ( ) const

Return the current view matrix.

a copy of the view matrix.
See also
setViewMatrix(), setLookAt()

◆ setLookAt() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setLookAt ( float  eyeX,
float  eyeY,
float  eyeZ,
float  centerX,
float  centerY,
float  centerZ,
float  upX,
float  upY,
float  upZ 

Set the view matrix so that the camera is looking at a given direction.

eyeX,eyeY,eyeZposition of the camera in world space coords.
centerX,centerY,centerZpoint the camera is looking toward in world space coords.
upX,upY,upZvector that tells the up direction for the camera (in world space coords).
See also
setViewMatrix(), getViewMatrix(), Mat4::setLookAt()

◆ setLookAt() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setLookAt ( const fVec3  eye,
const fVec3  center,
const fVec3  up 

Set the view matrix so that the camera is looking at a given direction.

eyeposition of the camera in world space coords.
centerpoint the camera is looking toward in world space coords.
upvector that tells the up direction for the camera (in world space coords).
See also
setViewMatrix(), getViewMatrix(), Mat4::setLookAt()

◆ worldToNDC()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
fVec4 tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::worldToNDC ( fVec3  P)

Convert from world coordinates to normalized device coordinates (NDC).

PPoint in the word coordinate system.
the coordinates of P on the standard viewport [-1,1]^2 according to the current position of the camera.
  • the model matrix is not taken into account here.
  • the w value returned can be used for depth testing.

◆ worldToImage()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
iVec2 tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::worldToImage ( fVec3  P)

Convert from world coordinates to the corresponding image pixel.

PPoint in the word coordinate system.
the coordinates of the associated pixel on the image.
  • The position returned may be outside of the image !
  • Returns (0,0) if no image is inserted.

◆ setLightDirection()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setLightDirection ( const fVec3 direction)

Set the light source direction.

The 3d rendered uses a single 'directional light' i.e. a light source comming from infinity (such as the sun).

directionThe direction the light point toward given in world coordinates.
See also
setLight(), setLightAmbiant(), setLightDiffuse(), setLightSpecular()

◆ setLightAmbiant()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setLightAmbiant ( const RGBf color)

Set the scene ambiant light color.

See Phong's lightning model:

colorcolor for the ambiant light.
See also
setLight(), setLightDirection(), setLightDiffuse(), setLightSpecular()

◆ setLightDiffuse()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setLightDiffuse ( const RGBf color)

Set the scene diffuse light color.

See Phong's lightning model:

colorcolor for the difuse light.
See also
setLight(), setLightDirection(), setLightAmbiant(), setLightSpecular()

◆ setLightSpecular()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setLightSpecular ( const RGBf color)

Set the scene specular light color.

See Phong's lightning model:

colorcolor for the specular light.
See also
setLight(), setLightDirection(), setLightAmbiant(), setLightDiffuse()

◆ setLight()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setLight ( const fVec3  direction,
const RGBf ambiantColor,
const RGBf diffuseColor,
const RGBf specularColor 

Set all the lighting parameters of the scene at once.

The 3d rendered uses a single 'directional light' i.e. a light source comming from infinity (such as the sun).

See Phong's lightning model:

directiondirection the light source point toward.
ambiantColorlight ambiant color.
diffuseColorlight diffuse color.
specularColorlight specular color.
See also
setLightDirection(), setLightAmbiant(), setLightDiffuse(), setLightSpecular()

◆ setModelMatrix()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setModelMatrix ( const fMat4 M)

Set the model tranformation matrix.

This matrix describes the transformation from local object space to view space. (i.e. the matrix specifies the position of the object in world space).

Mthe new model transformation matrix (a copy is made).
See also
getModelMatrix(), setModelPosScaleRot()

◆ getModelMatrix()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
fMat4 tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::getModelMatrix ( ) const

Return the model tranformation matrix.

a copy of the current model tranformation matrix.
See also
setModelMatrix(), setModelPosScaleRot()

◆ setModelPosScaleRot()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setModelPosScaleRot ( const fVec3 center = fVec3{ 0, 0, 0 },
const fVec3 scale = fVec3(1, 1, 1),
float  rot_angle = 0,
const fVec3 rot_dir = fVec3{ 0, 1, 0 } 

Set the model tranformation matrix to move an object to a given a given location, scale and rotation.

The method is such that, if a model is initially centered around the origin in model coordinate, then it will be placed at a given position/scale/rotation in the world coordinates after multiplication by the model transformation matrix.

Transforms are done in the following order:

  1. The model is scaled in each direction in the model coord. according to scale
  2. The model is rotated in model coord. around direction rot_dir and with an angle rot_angle (in degree).
  3. The model is translated to position center in the world coord.
centernew center position after transformation.
scalescaling factor in each direction.
rot_anglerotation angle (in degrees).
rot_dirrotation axis.
See also
getModelMatrix(), setModelMatrix()

◆ modelToNDC()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
fVec4 tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::modelToNDC ( fVec3  P)

Convert from model coordinates to normalized device coordinates (NDC).

PPoint given in the model coordinate system.
the projection of P on the standard viewport [-1,1]^2` according to the current position of the camera.
the .w value can be used for depth testing.

◆ modelToImage()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
iVec2 tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::modelToImage ( fVec3  P)

Convert from model coordinates to the corresponding image pixel.

PPoint given in the model coordinate system.
the position of the associated pixel on the image.
  • The position returned may be outside of the image !
  • Returns (0,0) if no image is inserted.

◆ setMaterialColor()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setMaterialColor ( RGBf  color)

Set the object material color.

This is the color used to render the object when texturing is not used.

colorThe material color.
See also
setMaterialAmbiantStrength(), setMaterialDiffuseStrength(), setMaterialSpecularStrength(), setMaterialSpecularExponent(), setMaterial()

◆ setMaterialAmbiantStrength()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setMaterialAmbiantStrength ( float  strenght = 0.1f)

Set how much the object material reflects the ambient light.

strenghtambiant lightreflection strength in [0.0f,1.0f]. Default value 0.1f.
See also
setMaterialColor(), setMaterialDiffuseStrength(), setMaterialSpecularStrength(), setMaterialSpecularExponent(), setMaterial()

◆ setMaterialDiffuseStrength()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setMaterialDiffuseStrength ( float  strenght = 0.6f)

Set how much the object material reflects the diffuse light.

strenghtdiffuse light reflection strength in [0.0f,1.0f]. Default value 0.6f.
See also
setMaterialColor(), setMaterialAmbiantStrength(), setMaterialSpecularStrength(), setMaterialSpecularExponent(), setMaterial()

◆ setMaterialSpecularStrength()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setMaterialSpecularStrength ( float  strenght = 0.5f)

Set how much the object material reflects the specular light.

strenghtspecular light reflection strength in [0.0f,1.0f]. Default value 0.5f.
See also
setMaterialColor(), setMaterialAmbiantStrength(), setMaterialDiffuseStrength(), setMaterialSpecularExponent(), setMaterial()

◆ setMaterialSpecularExponent()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setMaterialSpecularExponent ( int  exponent = 16)

Set the object specular exponent.

The epxonent should be range between 0 (no specular lightning) and 100 (very localized/glossy).

exponentSpecular exponent in [0,100]. Default value 16.
See also
setMaterialColor(), setMaterialAmbiantStrength(), setMaterialDiffuseStrength(), setMaterialSpecularStrength(), setMaterial()

◆ setMaterial()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::setMaterial ( RGBf  color,
float  ambiantStrength,
float  diffuseStrength,
float  specularStrength,
int  specularExponent 

Set all the object material properties at once.

colorThe material color.
ambiantStrengthThe ambiant light reflection strength.
diffuseStrengthThe diffuse light reflection strength.
specularStrengthThe specular light reflection strength.
specularExponentThe specular exponent.
See also
setMaterialColor(), setMaterialAmbiantStrength(), setMaterialDiffuseStrength(), setMaterialSpecularStrength(), setMaterialSpecularExponent(),

◆ drawMesh()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawMesh ( const Mesh3D< color_t > *  mesh,
bool  use_mesh_material = true,
bool  draw_chained_meshes = true 

Draw a Mesh3D object.

meshThe mesh to draw.
use_mesh_materialTrue (default) to use mesh material, otherwise use the current material instead. this flag affects also all the linked meshes if draw_chained_meshes=true.
draw_chained_meshesTrue (default) to draw also the chained meshes, in any.
  • Drawing a mesh is the most effective way of drawing a 3D object (faster than drawing individual triangles/quads) so it should be the prefered method whenever working with static geometry.
  • The mesh can be located in any memory region (RAM, FLASH...) but using a fast memory will
    improve renderin speed noticeably. The methods cacheMesh() (or copyMeshEXTMEM() on Teensy) are available to copy a mesh to a faster memory location before rendering.

◆ drawTriangle()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawTriangle ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2,
const fVec3 P3,
const fVec3 N1 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N2 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N3 = nullptr,
const fVec2 T1 = nullptr,
const fVec2 T2 = nullptr,
const fVec2 T3 = nullptr,
const Image< color_t > *  texture = nullptr 

Draw a single triangle.

P1,P2,P3coordinates (in model space) of the triangle to draw
N1,N2,N3pointers to the normals associated with P1, P2, P3 or nullptr if not using Gouraud shading.
T1,T2,T3pointer to the texture coords. nullptr if not using texturing.
texturepointer to the texture image or nullptr if not using texturing.
  • The triangle is drawn with the current color/material.
  • P1,P2,P3 must be in the correct winding order (c.f. setCulling()).
  • the normals N1,N2,N3 are mandatory with Gouraud shading and must have unit norm.

◆ drawTriangleWithVertexColor()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawTriangleWithVertexColor ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2,
const fVec3 P3,
const RGBf col1,
const RGBf col2,
const RGBf col3,
const fVec3 N1 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N2 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N3 = nullptr 

Draw a single triangle with a given colors on each of its vertices.

P1,P2,P3coordinates (in model space) of the triangle to draw
col1,col2,col3color at each vertex.
N1,N2,N3pointers to the normals associated with P1, P2, P3 or nullptr if not using Gouraud shading.
  • The color inside the triangle is obtained by linear interpolation.
  • P1,P2,P3 must be in the correct winding order (c.f. setCulling()).
  • the normals N1,N2,N3 are mandatory with Gouraud shading and must have unit norm.

◆ drawTriangles()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawTriangles ( int  nb_triangles,
const uint16_t *  ind_vertices,
const fVec3 vertices,
const uint16_t *  ind_normals = nullptr,
const fVec3 normals = nullptr,
const uint16_t *  ind_texture = nullptr,
const fVec2 textures = nullptr,
const Image< color_t > *  texture_image = nullptr 

Draw a collection of triangles.

nb_trianglesnumber of triangles to draw.
ind_verticesArray of vertex indexes. The length of the array is nb_triangles*3 and each 3 consecutive values represent a triangle.
verticesThe array of vertices (in model space).
ind_normalsArray of normal indexes. If specified, the array must have length nb_triangles*3.
normalsThe array of normals vectors (in model space).
ind_texturearray of texture indexes. If specified, the array must have length nb_triangles*3.
texturesThe array of texture coords.
texture_imageThe texture image to use or nullptr if not used
  • If Gouraud shading is enabled, the normal vector must all have have unit norm.
  • If Gouraud shading is disabled, ind_normals and normals should be set to nullptr.
  • If texturing is disabled, ind_texture, textures and texture_image should be set to nullptr.
  • If texturing is disabled, the current material color is used to draw the triangles.

◆ drawQuad()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawQuad ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2,
const fVec3 P3,
const fVec3 P4,
const fVec3 N1 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N2 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N3 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N4 = nullptr,
const fVec2 T1 = nullptr,
const fVec2 T2 = nullptr,
const fVec2 T3 = nullptr,
const fVec2 T4 = nullptr,
const Image< color_t > *  texture = nullptr 

Draw a single quad.

The four vertices of the quad must be co-planar !

P1,P2,P3,P4coordinates (in model space) of the quad to draw
N1,N2,N3,N4pointers to the normals associated with P1, P2, P3, P4 or nullptr if not using Gouraud shading.
T1,T2,T3,T4pointer to the texture coords. nullptr if not using texturing.
texturepointer to the texture image or nullptr if not using texturing.
  • The quad is drawn with the current color/material.
  • P1,P2,P3,P4 must be in the correct winding order (c.f. setCulling()).
  • the normals N1,N2,N3,N4 are mandatory with Gouraud shading and must have unit norm.

◆ drawQuadWithVertexColor()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawQuadWithVertexColor ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2,
const fVec3 P3,
const fVec3 P4,
const RGBf col1,
const RGBf col2,
const RGBf col3,
const RGBf col4,
const fVec3 N1 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N2 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N3 = nullptr,
const fVec3 N4 = nullptr 

Draw a single quad with a given colors on each of its four vertices.

The four vertices of the quad must be co-planar !

P1,P2,P3,P4coordinates (in model space) of the quad to draw
col1,col2,col3,col4color at each vertex.
N1,N2,N3,N4pointers to the normals associated with P1, P2, P3, P4 or nullptr if not using Gouraud shading.
  • The color inside the quad is obtained by linear interpolation.
  • P1,P2,P3,P4 must be in the correct winding order (c.f. setCulling()).
  • the normals N1,N2,N3,N4 are mandatory with Gouraud shading and must have unit norm.

◆ drawQuads()

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawQuads ( int  nb_quads,
const uint16_t *  ind_vertices,
const fVec3 vertices,
const uint16_t *  ind_normals = nullptr,
const fVec3 normals = nullptr,
const uint16_t *  ind_texture = nullptr,
const fVec2 textures = nullptr,
const Image< color_t > *  texture_image = nullptr 

Draw a collection of quads.

The four vertices of a quad must always be co-planar !

nb_quadsnumber of quads to draw.
ind_verticesArray of vertex indexes. The length of the array is nb_quads*4 and each 4 consecutive values represent a quad.
verticesThe array of vertices (in model space).
ind_normalsArray of normal indexes. If specified, the array must have length nb_quads*4.
normalsThe array of normals vectors (in model space).
ind_texturearray of texture indexes. If specified, the array must have length nb_quads*4.
texturesThe array of texture coords.
texture_imageThe texture image to use or nullptr if not used
  • If Gouraud shading is enabled, the normal vector must all have have unit norm.
  • If Gouraud shading is disabled, ind_normals and normals should be set to nullptr.
  • If texturing is disabled, ind_texture, textures and texture_image should be set to nullptr.
  • If texturing is disabled, the current material color is used to draw the quads.

◆ drawCube() [1/3]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawCube ( )

Draw the unit cube [-1,1]^3 in model space.

The model transform matrix may be used to scale, rotate and position the cube anywhere in world space.

◆ drawCube() [2/3]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawCube ( const fVec2  v_front_ABCD[4],
const Image< color_t > *  texture_front,
const fVec2  v_back_EFGH[4],
const Image< color_t > *  texture_back,
const fVec2  v_top_HADE[4],
const Image< color_t > *  texture_top,
const fVec2  v_bottom_BGFC[4],
const Image< color_t > *  texture_bottom,
const fVec2  v_left_HGBA[4],
const Image< color_t > *  texture_left,
const fVec2  v_right_DCFE[4],
const Image< color_t > *  texture_right 

Draw a textured unit cube [-1,1]^3 in model space.

| |
| top |
H-------------E | |
/. /| H--------A--------D--------E
/ . top / | | | | |
/ . / | | left | front | right |
A------------D | right | | | |
| . | | G--------B--------C--------F
| G .......|....F | |
| . | / | bottom |
| . front | / | |
|. | / G--------F
B------------C | |
| back |
| |
  • The model transform matrix may be used to scale, rotate and position the cube anywhere in world space.
  • Each face may use a different texture (or set the image to nullptr to disable texturing a face).
  • This method is useful for drawing a sky-box.
v_front_ABCDtexture coords array for the front face in order ABCD
texture_fronttexture for the front face
v_back_EFGHtexture coords array for the back face in order EFGH
texture_backtexture for the back face
v_top_HADEtexture coords array for the top face in order HADE
texture_toptexture for the top face
v_bottom_BGFCtexture coords array for the bottom face in order BGFC
texture_bottomtexture for the bottom face
v_left_HGBAtexture coords array for the left face in order HGBA
texture_lefttexture for the left face
v_right_DCFEtexture coords array for the right face in order DCFE
texture_righttexture for the right face

◆ drawCube() [3/3]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawCube ( const Image< color_t > *  texture_front,
const Image< color_t > *  texture_back,
const Image< color_t > *  texture_top,
const Image< color_t > *  texture_bottom,
const Image< color_t > *  texture_left,
const Image< color_t > *  texture_right 

draw a textured unit cube [-1,1]^3 (in model space)

| |
| top |
H-------------E | |
/. /| H--------A--------D--------E
/ . top / | | | | |
/ . / | | left | front | right |
A------------D | right | | | |
| . | | G--------B--------C--------F
| G .......|....F | |
| . | / | bottom |
| . front | / | |
|. | / G--------F
B------------C | |
| back |
| |
  • The model transform matrix may be used to scale, rotate and position the cube anywhere in world space.
  • Each face uses a 'whole' image. Set the texture image to nullptr to disable texturing a given face.
  • This method is useful for drawing a sky-box.
texture_fronttexture for the front face.
texture_backtexture for the back face.
texture_toptexture for the top face.
texture_bottomtexture for the bottom face.
texture_lefttexture for the left face.
texture_righttexture for the right face.

◆ drawSphere() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawSphere ( int  nb_sectors,
int  nb_stacks 

Draw a unit radius sphere centered at the origin S(0,1) in model space.

  • The model transform matrix may be used position the sphere anywhere in world space and change it to an ellipsoid.
  • The mesh created is a UV-sphere with a given number of sector and stacks.
nb_sectorsnumber of sectors of the UV sphere.
nb_stacksnumber of stacks of the UV sphere.

◆ drawSphere() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawSphere ( int  nb_sectors,
int  nb_stacks,
const Image< color_t > *  texture 

Draw a textured unit radius sphere centered at the origin S(0,1) in model space.

  • The model transform matrix may be used position the sphere anywhere in world space and change it to an ellipsoid.
  • The mesh created is a UV-sphere with a given number of sector and stacks.
  • The texture is mapped using the Mercator projection.
nb_sectorsnumber of sectors of the UV sphere.
nb_stacksnumber of stacks of the UV sphere.
textureThe texture (mapped via Mercoator projection)

◆ drawAdaptativeSphere() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawAdaptativeSphere ( float  quality = 1.0f)

Draw a unit radius sphere centered at the origin S(0,1) in model space.

  • The model transform matrix may be used position the sphere anywhere in world space and change it to an ellipsoid.
  • The mesh created is a UV-sphere and the number of sector and stacks is adjusted automatically according to the apparent size on the screen.
qualityQuality of the mesh. Should be positive, typically between 0.5f and 2.0f.
  • 1 : default quality
  • >1: finer mesh. Improve quality but decrease speed.
  • <1: coarser mesh. Decrease quality but improve speed.

◆ drawAdaptativeSphere() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawAdaptativeSphere ( const Image< color_t > *  texture,
float  quality = 1.0f 

Draw a textured unit radius sphere centered at the origin S(0,1) in model space.

  • The model transform matrix may be used position the sphere anywhere in world space
    and change it to an ellipsoid.
  • The mesh created is a UV-sphere and the number of sector and stacks is adjusted
    automatically according to the apparent size on the screen.
  • The texture is mapped using the Mercator projection.
textureThe texture image mapped via Mercator projection.
quality(Optional) Quality of the mesh. Should be positive, typically between 0.5f and 2.0f.
  • 1 : default quality
  • >1: finer mesh. Improve quality but decrease speed.
  • <1: coarser mesh. Decrease quality but improve speed.

◆ drawWireFrameMesh() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameMesh ( const Mesh3D< color_t > *  mesh,
bool  draw_chained_meshes = true 

Draw a mesh in wireframe [low quality].

  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The mesh is drawn with the current material color (not that of the mesh). This method does not require a zbuffer but back face culling is used if it is enabled.
meshThe mesh to draw
draw_chained_meshesTrue to draw also the chained meshes.

◆ drawWireFrameMesh() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameMesh ( const Mesh3D< color_t > *  mesh,
bool  draw_chained_meshes,
float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a mesh in wireframe [high quality].

  • This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
  • This method does not require a zbuffer but back face culling is used if it is enabled.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
meshThe mesh to draw
draw_chained_meshesTrue to draw also the chained meshes.
thicknessthickness of the lines.
colorcolor to use.
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f].

◆ drawWireFrameLine() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameLine ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2 

Draw a wireframe line segment [low quality].

  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The line is drawn with the current material color.
P1,P2endpoints in model space.

◆ drawWireFrameLine() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameLine ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2,
float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a wireframe line segment [high quality].

This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
P1,P2endpoints in model space.
thicknessthickness of the line
colorcolor to use
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f]

◆ drawWireFrameLines() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameLines ( int  nb_lines,
const uint16_t *  ind_vertices,
const fVec3 vertices 

Draw a collection of wireframe line segments [low quality].

  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The lines are drawn with the current material color.
nb_linesnumber of lines to draw
ind_verticesarray of vertex indices. The length of the array is nb_lines*2 and each 2 consecutive values represent a line segment.
verticesThe array of vertices in model space.

◆ drawWireFrameLines() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameLines ( int  nb_lines,
const uint16_t *  ind_vertices,
const fVec3 vertices,
float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a collection of wireframe line segments [high quality].

This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
nb_linesnumber of lines to draw
ind_verticesarray of vertex indices. The length of the array is nb_lines*2 and each 2 consecutive values represent a line segment.
verticesThe array of vertices in model space.
thicknessthickness of the lines
colorcolor to use
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f]

◆ drawWireFrameTriangle() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameTriangle ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2,
const fVec3 P3 

Draw a wireframe triangle [low quality].

  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The lines are drawn with the current material color.
  • This method does not use the z-buffer but backface culling is used if enabled.
P1,P2,P3the triangle vertices in model space.

◆ drawWireFrameTriangle() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameTriangle ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2,
const fVec3 P3,
float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a wireframe triangle [high quality].

  • This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
  • This method does not use the z-buffer but backface culling is used if enabled.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
P1,P2,P3triangle vertices in model space.
thicknessthickness of the lines
colorcolor to use
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f]

◆ drawWireFrameTriangles() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameTriangles ( int  nb_triangles,
const uint16_t *  ind_vertices,
const fVec3 vertices 

Draw a collection of wireframe triangles [low quality].

  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The lines are drawn with the current material color.
  • This method does not use the z-buffer but backface culling is used if enabled.
nb_trianglesnumber of triangles to draw.
ind_verticesArray of vertex indexes. The length of the array is nb_triangles*3 and each 3 consecutive values represent a triangle.
verticesArray of vertices in model space.

◆ drawWireFrameTriangles() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameTriangles ( int  nb_triangles,
const uint16_t *  ind_vertices,
const fVec3 vertices,
float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a collection of wireframe triangles [high quality].

  • This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
  • This method does not use the z-buffer but backface culling is used if enabled.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
nb_trianglesnumber of triangles to draw.
ind_verticesArray of vertex indexes. The length of the array is nb_triangles*3 and each 3 consecutive values represent a triangle.
verticesArray of vertices in model space.
thicknessthickness of the lines
colorcolor to use
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f]

◆ drawWireFrameQuad() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameQuad ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2,
const fVec3 P3,
const fVec3 P4 

Draw a wireframe quad [low quality].

  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The lines are drawn with the current material color.
  • This method does not use the z-buffer but backface culling is used if enabled.
  • The four vertices of the quads must be co-planar.
P1,P2,P3,P4the quad vertices in model space.

◆ drawWireFrameQuad() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameQuad ( const fVec3 P1,
const fVec3 P2,
const fVec3 P3,
const fVec3 P4,
float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a wireframe quad [high quality].

  • This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
  • This method does not use the z-buffer but backface culling is used if enabled.
  • The four vertices of the quads must be co-planar.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
P1,P2,P3,P4the quad vertices in model space.
thicknessthickness of the lines
colorcolor to use
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f]

◆ drawWireFrameQuads() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameQuads ( int  nb_quads,
const uint16_t *  ind_vertices,
const fVec3 vertices 

Draw a collection of wireframe quads [low quality].

  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The lines are drawn with the current material color.
  • This method does not use the z-buffer but backface culling is used if enabled.
  • The four vertices of the quads must be co-planar.
nb_quadsnumber of quads to draw.
ind_verticesArray of vertex indexes. The length of the array is nb_quads*4 and each 4 consecutive values represent a quad.
verticesArray of vertices in model space.

◆ drawWireFrameQuads() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameQuads ( int  nb_quads,
const uint16_t *  ind_vertices,
const fVec3 vertices,
float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a collection of wireframe quads [high quality].

  • This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
  • This method does not use the z-buffer but backface culling is used if enabled.
  • The four vertices of the quads must be co-planar.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
nb_quadsnumber of quads to draw.
ind_verticesArray of vertex indexes. The length of the array is nb_quads*4 and each 4 consecutive values represent a quad.
verticesArray of vertices in model space.
thicknessthickness of the lines
colorcolor to use
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f]

◆ drawWireFrameCube() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameCube ( )

Draw the wireframe cube [0,1]^3 (in model space) [low quality].

  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The model transform matrix may be used to scale, rotate and position the cube anywhere in world space.

◆ drawWireFrameCube() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameCube ( float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw the wireframe cube [0,1]^3 (in model space) [high quality].

  • This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
  • The model transform matrix may be used to scale, rotate and position the cube anywhere in world space.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
thicknessthickness of the lines
colorcolor to use
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f]

◆ drawWireFrameSphere() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameSphere ( int  nb_sectors,
int  nb_stacks 

Draw a wireframe unit radius sphere centered at the origin (in model space) [low quality].

  • Create a UV-sphere with a given number of sector and stacks.
  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The model transform matrix may be used position the sphere anywhere in world space and change it to an ellipsoid.
nb_sectorsnumber of sectors in the UV sphere.
nb_stacksnumber of stacks in the UV sphere.

◆ drawWireFrameSphere() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameSphere ( int  nb_sectors,
int  nb_stacks,
float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a wireframe unit radius sphere centered at the origin (in model space) [high quality].

  • Create a UV-sphere with a given number of sector and stacks.
  • This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
  • The model transform matrix may be used position the sphere anywhere in world space and change it to an ellipsoid.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
nb_sectorsnumber of sectors in the UV sphere.
nb_stacksnumber of stacks in the UV sphere.
thicknessthickness of the lines
colorcolor to use
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f]

◆ drawWireFrameAdaptativeSphere() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameAdaptativeSphere ( float  quality = 1.0f)

Draw a wireframe unit radius sphere centered at the origin (in model space) [low quality].

  • This method use (fast) low quality drawing: no thickness, no blending, no anti-aliasing.
  • The model transform matrix may be used position the sphere anywhere in world space and change it to an ellipsoid.
  • The mesh created is a UV-sphere and the number of sector and stacks is adjusted automatically according to the apparent size on the screen.
qualityQuality of the mesh. Should be positive, typically between 0.5f and 2.0f.
  • 1 : default quality
  • >1: finer mesh. Improve quality but decrease speed.
  • <1: coarser mesh. Decrease quality but improve speed.

◆ drawWireFrameAdaptativeSphere() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawWireFrameAdaptativeSphere ( float  quality,
float  thickness,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a wireframe unit radius sphere centered at the origin (in model space) [high quality].

  • The model transform matrix may be used position the sphere anywhere in world space and change it to an ellipsoid.
  • This method use high quality drawing: blending with opacity, thickness, and anti-aliasing.
  • The mesh created is a UV-sphere and the number of sector and stacks is adjusted automatically according to the apparent size on the screen.
This method is very slow (may be slower that solid drawing) !
qualityQuality of the mesh. Should be positive, typically between 0.5f and 2.0f.
  • 1 : default quality
  • >1: finer mesh. Improve quality but decrease speed.
  • <1: coarser mesh. Decrease quality but improve speed.
thicknessthickness of the lines
colorcolor to use
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f]

◆ drawPixel() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawPixel ( const fVec3 pos)

Draw a single pixel at a given position in model space.

  • Use the material color.
  • The scene lightning is ignored.
posPosition (in model space).

◆ drawPixel() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawPixel ( const fVec3 pos,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a single pixel at a given position in model space.

  • Use blending with a given color and opacity factor.
  • The scene lightning is ignored.
posPosition (in model space).
colorcolor to use.
opacityopacity multiplier in [0.0f, 1.0f].

◆ drawPixels() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawPixels ( int  nb_pixels,
const fVec3 pos_list 

Draw a list of pixels at given positions in model space.

  • Use the material color for all pixels.
  • The scene lightning is ignored.
nb_pixelsnumber of pixels to draw.
pos_listarray of positions (in model space).

◆ drawPixels() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawPixels ( int  nb_pixels,
const fVec3 pos_list,
const int *  colors_ind,
const color_t *  colors,
const int *  opacities_ind,
const float *  opacities 

Draw a list of pixels at given positions in model space with different colors and opacities.

  • Use blending with given colors and opacities given by a palette and a list of indices.
  • The scene lightning is ignored.
nb_pixelsnumber of pixels to draw.
pos_listarray of positions (in model space).
colors_indarray of color indices.
colorsarray of colors.
opacities_indarray of opacities indices.
opacitiesarray of opacities

◆ drawDot() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawDot ( const fVec3 pos,
int  r 

Draw a dot/circle at a given position in model space.

  • Use the the material color.
  • The scene lightning is ignored.
posPosition in model space.
rradius in pixels (integer valued).

◆ drawDot() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawDot ( const fVec3 pos,
int  r,
color_t  color,
float  opacity 

Draw a dot/circle at a given position in model space.

  • Use blending with the given color and opacity.
  • The scene lightning is ignored.
posPosition in model space.
rradius in pixels.
colorcolor to use.
opacityThe opacity for blending in [0.0f, 1.0f].

◆ drawDots() [1/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawDots ( int  nb_dots,
const fVec3 pos_list,
const int  radius 

Draw a list of dots/circles at given positions in model space.

  • Use the material color and the same radius for every dot.
  • The scene lightning is ignored.
nb_dotsnumber of dots to draw
pos_listarray of positions in model space.
radiusradius in pixels

◆ drawDots() [2/2]

template<typename color_t , Shader LOADED_SHADERS = TGX_SHADER_MASK_ALL, typename ZBUFFER_t = float>
void tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >::drawDots ( int  nb_dots,
const fVec3 pos_list,
const int *  radius_ind,
const int *  radius,
const int *  colors_ind,
const color_t *  colors,
const int *  opacities_ind,
const float *  opacities 

Draw a list of dots/circles at given positions in model space.

  • Use a different radius and colors for every dot.
  • Use blending with given colors and opacities given by a palette and a list of indices.
  • The scene lightning is ignored.
nb_dotsnumber of dots to draw.
pos_listarray of positions in model space.
radius_indarray of radius indices.
radiusarray of radiuses.
colors_indarray of color indices.
colorsarray of colors.
opacities_indarray of opacity indices.
opacitiesarray of opacities value in [0.0f, 1.0f].

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