TGX 1.0.3
A tiny 2D/3D graphics library optimized for 32 bits microcontrollers.
No Matches
tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t > Member List

This is the complete list of members for tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >, including all inherited members.

clearZbuffer()tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawAdaptativeSphere(float quality=1.0f)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawAdaptativeSphere(const Image< color_t > *texture, float quality=1.0f)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawCube()tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawCube(const fVec2 v_front_ABCD[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_front, const fVec2 v_back_EFGH[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_back, const fVec2 v_top_HADE[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_top, const fVec2 v_bottom_BGFC[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_bottom, const fVec2 v_left_HGBA[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_left, const fVec2 v_right_DCFE[4], const Image< color_t > *texture_right)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawCube(const Image< color_t > *texture_front, const Image< color_t > *texture_back, const Image< color_t > *texture_top, const Image< color_t > *texture_bottom, const Image< color_t > *texture_left, const Image< color_t > *texture_right)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawDot(const fVec3 &pos, int r)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawDot(const fVec3 &pos, int r, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawDots(int nb_dots, const fVec3 *pos_list, const int radius)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawDots(int nb_dots, const fVec3 *pos_list, const int *radius_ind, const int *radius, const int *colors_ind, const color_t *colors, const int *opacities_ind, const float *opacities)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawMesh(const Mesh3D< color_t > *mesh, bool use_mesh_material=true, bool draw_chained_meshes=true)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawPixel(const fVec3 &pos)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawPixel(const fVec3 &pos, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawPixels(int nb_pixels, const fVec3 *pos_list)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawPixels(int nb_pixels, const fVec3 *pos_list, const int *colors_ind, const color_t *colors, const int *opacities_ind, const float *opacities)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawQuad(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 &P4, const fVec3 *N1=nullptr, const fVec3 *N2=nullptr, const fVec3 *N3=nullptr, const fVec3 *N4=nullptr, const fVec2 *T1=nullptr, const fVec2 *T2=nullptr, const fVec2 *T3=nullptr, const fVec2 *T4=nullptr, const Image< color_t > *texture=nullptr)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawQuads(int nb_quads, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, const uint16_t *ind_normals=nullptr, const fVec3 *normals=nullptr, const uint16_t *ind_texture=nullptr, const fVec2 *textures=nullptr, const Image< color_t > *texture_image=nullptr)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawQuadWithVertexColor(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 &P4, const RGBf &col1, const RGBf &col2, const RGBf &col3, const RGBf &col4, const fVec3 *N1=nullptr, const fVec3 *N2=nullptr, const fVec3 *N3=nullptr, const fVec3 *N4=nullptr)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawSphere(int nb_sectors, int nb_stacks)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawSphere(int nb_sectors, int nb_stacks, const Image< color_t > *texture)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawTriangle(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 *N1=nullptr, const fVec3 *N2=nullptr, const fVec3 *N3=nullptr, const fVec2 *T1=nullptr, const fVec2 *T2=nullptr, const fVec2 *T3=nullptr, const Image< color_t > *texture=nullptr)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawTriangles(int nb_triangles, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, const uint16_t *ind_normals=nullptr, const fVec3 *normals=nullptr, const uint16_t *ind_texture=nullptr, const fVec2 *textures=nullptr, const Image< color_t > *texture_image=nullptr)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawTriangleWithVertexColor(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const RGBf &col1, const RGBf &col2, const RGBf &col3, const fVec3 *N1=nullptr, const fVec3 *N2=nullptr, const fVec3 *N3=nullptr)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameAdaptativeSphere(float quality=1.0f)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameAdaptativeSphere(float quality, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameCube()tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameCube(float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameLine(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameLine(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameLines(int nb_lines, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameLines(int nb_lines, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameMesh(const Mesh3D< color_t > *mesh, bool draw_chained_meshes=true)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameMesh(const Mesh3D< color_t > *mesh, bool draw_chained_meshes, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameQuad(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 &P4)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameQuad(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, const fVec3 &P4, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameQuads(int nb_quads, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameQuads(int nb_quads, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameSphere(int nb_sectors, int nb_stacks)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameSphere(int nb_sectors, int nb_stacks, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameTriangle(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameTriangle(const fVec3 &P1, const fVec3 &P2, const fVec3 &P3, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameTriangles(int nb_triangles, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
drawWireFrameTriangles(int nb_triangles, const uint16_t *ind_vertices, const fVec3 *vertices, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
getModelMatrix() consttgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
getProjectionMatrix() consttgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
getViewMatrix() consttgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
modelToImage(fVec3 P)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
modelToNDC(fVec3 P)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
Renderer3D(const iVec2 &viewportSize={0, 0}, Image< color_t > *im=nullptr, ZBUFFER_t *zbuffer=nullptr)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setCulling(int w)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setFrustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setImage(Image< color_t > *im)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setLight(const fVec3 direction, const RGBf &ambiantColor, const RGBf &diffuseColor, const RGBf &specularColor)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setLightAmbiant(const RGBf &color)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setLightDiffuse(const RGBf &color)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setLightDirection(const fVec3 &direction)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setLightSpecular(const RGBf &color)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setLookAt(float eyeX, float eyeY, float eyeZ, float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float upX, float upY, float upZ)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setLookAt(const fVec3 eye, const fVec3 center, const fVec3 up)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setMaterial(RGBf color, float ambiantStrength, float diffuseStrength, float specularStrength, int specularExponent)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setMaterialAmbiantStrength(float strenght=0.1f)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setMaterialColor(RGBf color)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setMaterialDiffuseStrength(float strenght=0.6f)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setMaterialSpecularExponent(int exponent=16)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setMaterialSpecularStrength(float strenght=0.5f)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setModelMatrix(const fMat4 &M)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setModelPosScaleRot(const fVec3 &center=fVec3{ 0, 0, 0 }, const fVec3 &scale=fVec3(1, 1, 1), float rot_angle=0, const fVec3 &rot_dir=fVec3{ 0, 1, 0 })tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setOffset(int ox, int oy)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setOffset(const iVec2 &offset)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setOrtho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setProjectionMatrix(const fMat4 &M)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setShaders(Shader shaders)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setTextureQuality(Shader quality)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setTextureWrappingMode(Shader wrap_mode)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setViewMatrix(const fMat4 &M)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setViewportSize(int lx, int ly)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setViewportSize(const iVec2 &viewport_dim)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
setZbuffer(ZBUFFER_t *zbuffer)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
useOrthographicProjection()tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
usePerspectiveProjection()tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
worldToImage(fVec3 P)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >
worldToNDC(fVec3 P)tgx::Renderer3D< color_t, LOADED_SHADERS, ZBUFFER_t >