TGX 1.0.3
A tiny 2D/3D graphics library optimized for 32 bits microcontrollers.
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBox2Generic 2D Box [specializations iBox2 , fBox2, dBox2]
 CBox3Generic 3D Box [specializations iBox3, fBox3, dBox3]
 CHSVColor in H/S/V format [experimental]
 CImageImage class [MAIN CLASS FOR THE 2D API]
 CMat4Generic 4x4 matrix [specializations fMat4, dMat4]
 CMesh3D3D mesh data stucture
 CRenderer3DClass for drawing 3D objects onto a Image [MAIN CLASS FOR THE 3D API]
 CRGB24Color in R8/G8/B8 format
 CRGB32Color in R8/G8/B8/A8 format
 CRGB565Color in R5/G6/B5 format
 CRGB64Color in R16/G16/B16/A16 format
 CRGBfColor in R,G,B float format
 CVec2Generic 2D vector [specializations iVec2, fVec2, dVec2]
 CVec3Generic 3D vector [specializations iVec3, fVec3, dVec3]
 CVec4Geenric 4D vector [specializations iVec4, fVec4, dVec4]
 CGFXfontGFXFont font format
 CILI9341_t3_font_tILI9341_t3 PJRC font format