TGX 1.0.0
A tiny 2D/3D graphics library optimized for 32 bits microcontrollers.
No Matches

The library is cross-platform: it can used on on CPU or on an embedded platform with the Arduino framework.

It is written in pure C++ and all the sources are located in the /src subdirectory. This folder contains both the header files (.h) and the implementation files (.cpp, .inl).

The library has no any external dependency.

Using TGX on a microcontroller (Arduino)

  • With the Arduino IDE.

    Install the library directly from within the library manager of the IDE: [Sketch] > [Include Library] > [Manage Libraries] and then search for 'TGX' and install the latest version.

  • With PlaftormIO.

    Install the library directly from within VSCode/PlaftormIO: [PIO Home] > [libraries] then search for 'TGX' , select it and press [add to Project].

Using TGX on a desktop computer (Windows/Linux/MacOS)

There are two options:

  • Manually adding the library code directly to a project.

    1. Copy all the files from the \src directory directly into the target project directory.
    2. Reference all TGX's .cpp files to be compiled together with the project's source files.
  • Building a library file.

    Alternatively, it is possible to build a standalone library file. A CMake configuration CMakeLists.txt is provided at the root of the library:

    1. Install CMake 3.10 (or later).
    2. Open a terminal/shell at the library root folder and type:
      • mkdir build
      • cd build
      • cmake ..
    3. Build the library using the generated project files.
      • On Windows. Open the Visual Studio solution file 'tgx.sln' and build the library from within the IDE.
      • On Linux/MacOS. Use command make to build the library.
        TGX can now be added to any project be appending TGX's /src subdirectory to the project's include path and adding the library to the linker.