TGX 1.0.3
A tiny 2D/3D graphics library optimized for 32 bits microcontrollers.
No Matches
tgx::Image< color_t > Member List

This is the complete list of members for tgx::Image< color_t >, including all inherited members.

blit(const Image< color_t > &sprite, iVec2 upperleftpos, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
blit(const Image< color_t_src > &sprite, iVec2 upperleftpos, const BLEND_OPERATOR &blend_op)tgx::Image< color_t >
blitBackward(Image< color_t > &dst_sprite, iVec2 upperleftpos) consttgx::Image< color_t >
blitMasked(const Image< color_t > &sprite, color_t transparent_color, iVec2 upperleftpos, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
blitRotated(const Image< color_t > &sprite, iVec2 upperleftpos, int angle, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
blitRotated(const Image< color_t_src > &sprite, iVec2 upperleftpos, int angle, const BLEND_OPERATOR &blend_op)tgx::Image< color_t >
blitScaledRotated(const Image< color_t_src > src_im, fVec2 anchor_src, fVec2 anchor_dst, float scale=1.0f, float angle_degrees=0.0f, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
blitScaledRotated(const Image< color_t_src > &src_im, fVec2 anchor_src, fVec2 anchor_dst, float scale, float angle_degrees, const BLEND_OPERATOR &blend_op)tgx::Image< color_t >
blitScaledRotatedMasked(const Image< color_t_src > &src_im, color_t_src transparent_color, fVec2 anchor_src, fVec2 anchor_dst, float scale, float angle_degrees, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
clear(color_t color)tgx::Image< color_t >
convert()tgx::Image< color_t >
copyFrom(const Image< src_color_t > &src_im, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
copyFrom(const Image< src_color_t > &src_im, const BLEND_OPERATOR &blend_op)tgx::Image< color_t >
copyReduceHalf(const Image< color_t > &src_image)tgx::Image< color_t >
crop(const iBox2 &subbox)tgx::Image< color_t >
data() consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
data()tgx::Image< color_t >inline
DEFAULT_STRIDEtgx::Image< color_t >static
dim() consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
drawChar(char c, iVec2 pos, const GFXfont &font, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawChar(char c, iVec2 pos, const ILI9341_t3_font_t &font, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawCircle(iVec2 center, int r, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawCircleAA(fVec2 center, float r, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawCircleArcAA(fVec2 center, float r, float angle_start, float angle_end, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawClosedSpline(int nbpoints, const iVec2 tabPoints[], color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawCubicBezier(iVec2 P1, iVec2 P2, iVec2 PA, iVec2 PB, bool drawP2, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawCubicSpline(int nbpoints, const iVec2 tabPoints[], bool draw_last_point, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawEllipse(iVec2 center, iVec2 radiuses, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawEllipseAA(fVec2 center, fVec2 radiuses, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawFastHLine(iVec2 pos, int w, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawFastVLine(iVec2 pos, int h, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawGradientQuad(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, fVec2 P4, color_alt colorP1, color_alt colorP2, color_alt colorP3, color_alt colorP4, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawGradientTriangle(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, color_alt colorP1, color_alt colorP2, color_alt colorP3, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawLine(iVec2 P1, iVec2 P2, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawLineAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawPixel(iVec2 pos, color_t color)tgx::Image< color_t >inline
drawPixel(iVec2 pos, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Image< color_t >inline
drawPixelf(fVec2 pos, color_t color)tgx::Image< color_t >inline
drawPixelf(fVec2 pos, color_t color, float opacity)tgx::Image< color_t >inline
drawPolygon(int nbpoints, const iVec2 tabPoints[], color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawPolygon(FUNCTOR_NEXT next_point, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawPolygonAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawPolygonAA(FUNCTOR_NEXT next_point, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawPolyline(int nbpoints, const iVec2 tabPoints[], color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawPolyline(FUNCTOR_NEXT next_point, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawPolylineAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawPolylineAA(FUNCTOR_NEXT next_point, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawQuad(iVec2 P1, iVec2 P2, iVec2 P3, iVec2 P4, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawQuadAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, fVec2 P4, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawQuadBezier(iVec2 P1, iVec2 P2, iVec2 PC, float wc, bool drawP2, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawQuadSpline(int nbpoints, const iVec2 tabPoints[], bool draw_last_point, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawRect(const iBox2 &B, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawRoundRect(const iBox2 &B, int corner_radius, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawRoundRectAA(const fBox2 &B, float corner_radius, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawSegment(iVec2 P1, bool drawP1, iVec2 P2, bool drawP2, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawText(const char *text, iVec2 pos, const GFXfont &font, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawText(const char *text, iVec2 pos, const ILI9341_t3_font_t &font, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTextEx(const char *text, iVec2 pos, const GFXfont &font, Anchor anchor, bool wrap_text, bool start_newline_at_0, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTextEx(const char *text, iVec2 pos, const ILI9341_t3_font_t &font, Anchor anchor, bool wrap_text, bool start_newline_at_0, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedGradientMaskedQuad(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, color_t_tex transparent_color, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 srcP4, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, fVec2 dstP4, color_t_tex C1, color_t_tex C2, color_t_tex C3, color_t_tex C4, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedGradientMaskedTriangle(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, color_t_tex transparent_color, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, color_t_tex C1, color_t_tex C2, color_t_tex C3, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedGradientQuad(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 srcP4, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, fVec2 dstP4, color_t_tex C1, color_t_tex C2, color_t_tex C3, color_t_tex C4, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedGradientTriangle(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, color_t_tex C1, color_t_tex C2, color_t_tex C3, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedMaskedQuad(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, color_t_tex transparent_color, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 srcP4, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, fVec2 dstP4, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedMaskedTriangle(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, color_t_tex transparent_color, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedQuad(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 srcP4, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, fVec2 dstP4, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedQuad(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 srcP4, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, fVec2 dstP4, const BLEND_OPERATOR &blend_op)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedTriangle(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTexturedTriangle(const Image< color_t_tex > &src_im, fVec2 srcP1, fVec2 srcP2, fVec2 srcP3, fVec2 dstP1, fVec2 dstP2, fVec2 dstP3, const BLEND_OPERATOR &blend_op)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickCircleAA(fVec2 center, float r, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickCircleArcAA(fVec2 center, float r, float angle_start, float angle_end, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickClosedSplineAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickCubicBezierAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 PA, fVec2 PB, float thickness, EndPath end_P1, EndPath end_P2, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickCubicSplineAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], float thickness, EndPath end_P0, EndPath end_Pn, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickEllipseAA(fVec2 center, fVec2 radiuses, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickLineAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, float line_width, EndPath end_P1, EndPath end_P2, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickPolygonAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickPolygonAA(FUNCTOR_NEXT next_point, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickPolylineAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], float thickness, EndPath end_P0, EndPath end_Pn, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickPolylineAA(FUNCTOR_NEXT next_point, float thickness, EndPath end_P0, EndPath end_Pn, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickQuadAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, fVec2 P4, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickQuadBezierAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 PC, float wc, float thickness, EndPath end_P1, EndPath end_P2, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickQuadSplineAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], float thickness, EndPath end_P0, EndPath end_Pn, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickRect(const iBox2 &B, int thickness, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickRectAA(const fBox2 &B, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickRoundRectAA(const fBox2 &B, float corner_radius, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawThickTriangleAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, float thickness, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTriangle(const iVec2 &P1, const iVec2 &P2, const iVec2 &P3, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawTriangleAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
drawWedgeLineAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, float line_width_P1, EndPath end_P1, float line_width_P2, EndPath end_P2, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fill(iVec2 start_pos, color_t new_color)tgx::Image< color_t >
fill(iVec2 start_pos, color_t border_color, color_t new_color)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillCircle(iVec2 center, int r, color_t interior_color, color_t outline_color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillCircleAA(fVec2 center, float r, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillCircleSectorAA(fVec2 center, float r, float angle_start, float angle_end, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillClosedSplineAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillEllipse(iVec2 center, iVec2 radiuses, color_t interior_color, color_t outline_color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillEllipseAA(fVec2 center, fVec2 radiuses, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillPolygon(int nbpoints, const iVec2 tabPoints[], color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillPolygon(FUNCTOR_NEXT next_point, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillPolygonAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillPolygonAA(FUNCTOR_NEXT next_point, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillQuad(iVec2 P1, iVec2 P2, iVec2 P3, iVec2 P4, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillQuadAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, fVec2 P4, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillRect(const iBox2 &B, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillRectAA(const fBox2 &B, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillRectHGradient(iBox2 B, color_t color_left, color_t color_right, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillRectVGradient(iBox2 B, color_t color_top, color_t color_bottom, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillRoundRect(const iBox2 &B, int corner_radius, color_t color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillRoundRectAA(const fBox2 &B, float corner_radius, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillScreen(color_t color)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillScreenHGradient(color_t left_color, color_t right_color)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillScreenVGradient(color_t top_color, color_t bottom_color)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickCircleAA(fVec2 center, float r, float thickness, color_t color_interior, color_t color_border, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickCircleSectorAA(fVec2 center, float r, float angle_start, float angle_end, float thickness, color_t color_interior, color_t color_border, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickClosedSplineAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], float thickness, color_t color_interior, color_t color_border, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickEllipseAA(fVec2 center, fVec2 radiuses, float thickness, color_t color_interior, color_t color_border, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickPolygonAA(int nbpoints, const fVec2 tabPoints[], float thickness, color_t interior_color, color_t border_color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickPolygonAA(FUNCTOR_NEXT next_point, float thickness, color_t interior_color, color_t border_color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickQuadAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, fVec2 P4, float thickness, color_t color_interior, color_t color_border, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickRect(const iBox2 &B, int thickness, color_t color_interior, color_t color_border, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickRectAA(const fBox2 &B, float thickness, color_t color_interior, color_t color_border, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickRoundRectAA(const fBox2 &B, float corner_radius, float thickness, color_t color_interior, color_t color_border, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillThickTriangleAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, float thickness, color_t color_interior, color_t color_border, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillTriangle(const iVec2 &P1, const iVec2 &P2, const iVec2 &P3, color_t interior_color, color_t outline_color, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >
fillTriangleAA(fVec2 P1, fVec2 P2, fVec2 P3, color_t color, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
fontHeight(const GFXfont &font) consttgx::Image< color_t >
fontHeight(const ILI9341_t3_font_t &font) consttgx::Image< color_t >
getCrop(const iBox2 &subbox) consttgx::Image< color_t >
GIFplayFrame(GIF_T &gif, iVec2 topleft=iVec2(0, 0), float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
height() consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
Image (defined in tgx::Image< color_t >)tgx::Image< color_t >friend
Image()tgx::Image< color_t >
Image(T *buffer, int lx, int ly, int stride=DEFAULT_STRIDE)tgx::Image< color_t >
Image(T *buffer, iVec2 dim, int stride=DEFAULT_STRIDE)tgx::Image< color_t >
Image(const Image< color_t > &im, iBox2 subbox)tgx::Image< color_t >
Image(const Image< color_t > &im)=defaulttgx::Image< color_t >
imageBox() consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
isValid() consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
iterate(ITERFUN cb_fun)tgx::Image< color_t >
iterate(ITERFUN cb_fun) consttgx::Image< color_t >
iterate(ITERFUN cb_fun, tgx::iBox2 B)tgx::Image< color_t >
iterate(ITERFUN cb_fun, tgx::iBox2 B) consttgx::Image< color_t >
JPEGDecode(JPEG_T &jpeg, iVec2 topleft=iVec2(0, 0), int options=0, float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
lx() consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
ly() consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
measureChar(char c, iVec2 pos, const GFXfont &font, Anchor anchor=DEFAULT_TEXT_ANCHOR, int *xadvance=nullptr) consttgx::Image< color_t >
measureChar(char c, iVec2 pos, const ILI9341_t3_font_t &font, Anchor anchor=DEFAULT_TEXT_ANCHOR, int *xadvance=nullptr) consttgx::Image< color_t >
measureText(const char *text, iVec2 pos, const GFXfont &font, Anchor anchor=DEFAULT_TEXT_ANCHOR, bool wrap_text=false, bool start_newline_at_0=false) consttgx::Image< color_t >
measureText(const char *text, iVec2 pos, const ILI9341_t3_font_t &font, Anchor anchor=DEFAULT_TEXT_ANCHOR, bool wrap_text=false, bool start_newline_at_0=false) consttgx::Image< color_t >
operator()(const iBox2 &B) consttgx::Image< color_t >
operator()(int min_x, int max_x, int min_y, int max_y) consttgx::Image< color_t >
operator()(iVec2 pos) consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
operator()(iVec2 pos)tgx::Image< color_t >inline
operator()(int x, int y) consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
operator()(int x, int y)tgx::Image< color_t >inline
operator=(const Image< color_t > &im)=defaulttgx::Image< color_t >
PNGDecode(PNG_T &png, iVec2 topleft=iVec2(0, 0), float opacity=1.0f)tgx::Image< color_t >
readPixel(iVec2 pos, color_t outside_color=color_t()) consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
readPixelf(fVec2 pos, color_t outside_color=color_t()) consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
reduceHalf()tgx::Image< color_t >
set(T *buffer, int lx, int ly, int stride=DEFAULT_STRIDE)tgx::Image< color_t >
set(T *buffer, iVec2 dim, int stride=DEFAULT_STRIDE)tgx::Image< color_t >
setInvalid()tgx::Image< color_t >
setOpenFontRender(T &ofr, float opacity=TGX_DEFAULT_NO_BLENDING)tgx::Image< color_t >inline
stride() consttgx::Image< color_t >inline
width() consttgx::Image< color_t >inline